Ch.6 : The Moon

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The school incident gave Gracie some major trauma, as she is afraid to go to sleep and when she does sleep, she has nightmares of Ichi and Ni coming for her and killing Kevin and her whole family.

Gracie however wasn't the only one traumatised by the event, Kevin too was suffering from nightmares of Ichi and Ni coming for Gracie and killing her while he can do nothing but watch. When he heard that Ichi and Ni where at the school, tearing it up, he freaked out more then he ever has in his life.

Her parent's told the school that it's now too dangerous to take Gracie to school now and they need to figure something out, because they where not letting her go back where she could be attacked again. The school agreed and said Gracie can take the week off, and starting next week she will be doing online school at home.

So far, the online classes have helped Gracie to cope with the disaster she went through, as it gave her something else to do instead of sit in her room with Kevin and drown in her fears.

Whenever she had to do online classes, Kevin had to leave the room. Whenever he did have to leave, he would wait outside the house and would keep a keen eye out for any intruding Ichi or Ni.

It's now been over 3 months since the incident and Gracie has done surprisingly well for someone who almost died at their own school at the hands of an almost 10 foot tall dragon. She feels totally comfortable inside, but she is still afraid to go outside.

There was one day where her and Kevin where playing catch in her room, and she accidentally threw the ball out the window and it landed in the pool. Kevin went to go get it, but Gracie stopped him and said she'll go get it herself.

Kevin was surprised to hear that, but he was worried going out there alone could be dangerous. She went downstairs and told her dad that she was going outside with a brave look on her face, her dad told tried to talk her out of it but if there was one thing about Gracie, she was a determined little girl.

Gracie soon looked outside at how far she has to go get the ball, she is now beginning to question whether this is a good idea or not. After some hesitation, she walks outside and slowly walks over to the pool. She soon looks up at her balcony to see Kevin looking at her, he was watching over to make sure they don't come.

Gracie soon made it to the pool, and managed to get the ball out of the water and she sprinted back inside the house and shut the back door. She had her back against the door, breathing shakily, her dad soon lowered down to her and asked if she got the ball, and she showed it to him. "Hey, im proud of you. That's the furthest you've gone since the school okay? As far as i'm concerned, you just walked on the moon" said Gracie's dad. Gracie smiled and went over to her father and hugged him.

Gracie soon saw Kevin looking at them and he also looked proud of Gracie, he soon said with sign language "Brave". Gracie giggled and went over to hug Kevin.

Nowadays, she is started to gain more and more braver and she started to get more comfortable with going outside as long as Kevin is watching over her. Her parents said she can't be out past sunset, and she didn't ask why because it was so obvious that i'm not even gonna tell you why.

2 weeks later...

Kevin and Gracie where outback relaxing together, Gracie was laying against Kevin as she was reading a comic book. Kevin just layed down, enjoying his time with his little sister, it was sunset and the sky was pinkish with the clouds in the sky. Soon, the full moon began to rise from the horizon.

Kevin soon saw the full moon rising, he watched as it rose and whenever he sees the full moon, it makes him think of Moonhidora, especially Io. He misses Io... he wonders if he'll ever see her again, with him this small and stuck down here on earth, and Io and her sisters up there among the stars. He doesn't know what Io and her sisters have gotten into since their break up and he wonders if they somehow ended up where he is another planet, small and caring for another Alien or something.

Kevin thinks about Io every day, and she probably thinks about him every day too. Maybe they're out there looking for him and his brothers just so Io can visit Kevin, but he's afraid that when Io sees what Kevin has become she'll not like him anymore.

Kevin would shove that thought out of his head quickly, still the fear is there.

Kevin wishes one day, Io will come back and they along with Gracie will be one big happy family, and maybe her sisters can join.

Kevin barely remembers Callist and Eura, he remembers how they look, but he doesn't remember their smile or their smell... It would be nice to see them again.

If only...

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