Ch.8 : Ichi and Ni talk

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It was summer break, Io, Callist and Eura have been accepted into the family and they got along pretty well with Gracie and her family, Io was like Kevin, super friendly and affectionate. Callist is pretty sweet and likes to make Gracie and everyone else smile, Eura was a little stubborn and she was the most distant out of all of them.

Io and Kevin were lovers, it was clear as day, they would always sit together and nuzzle each other and even groom each other like lovebirds. Moonhidora basically has been apart of the family for 6 months now, and they made everyone in the home even happier, except Luke, he was also there during the school lockdown and he did not trust Io, Callist and Eura one bit.

3 new big members to the family seemed a little excessive, since Io, Callist and Eura where about the same size as Ichi, Ni and San, just a little shorter. Still, just like Kevin, they where easy to take care of as they don't eat or drink. 

Gracie was swimming in the pool outback, Kevin and Io where watching her, Callist and Eura where out exploring and chatting, "Shame all that snow melted, I liked the icy climate..." said Eura, "Hmph! I like this "Summer" better then the winter, we get to spend more time with Gracie and her family" said Callist, "Hmm, Gracie is cool I guess. Just as long as she makes Kevin and Io happy" said Eura.

"Heh, remember that time you surprised attacked Kevin?" said Callist, "Hohoho yeah! He was a lot tougher then I was anticipating, he caught me completely by surprise, how did little baby Kevin get so strong?" said Eura, Callist laughed "I don't know honestly, guess he is really full of surprises!" said Callist, they both laughed.

"You can say that again" said a voice behind them, Callist and Eura turned to see Ni! "Ni? What are you doing here?" said Callist, "If you came here to throw down, I'll happily throw down with you!" said Eura with a growl in her voice, "Temper Sister, let him explain himself" said Callist, "Hmph! Fine!" said Eura.

"To be honest, I didn't know you guys where here..." said Ni, "Ha! Ni your many things, including a terrible liar!" said Eura, 

"What do you mean?" said Ni, "I know you better then anyone, you knew we were here!" said Eura.

"... alright fine! I knew, but I honestly didn't expect you guys to be this far out, I was just flying ahead and saw you guys and decided I'd see what you where doing" said Ni. "I see, why though?" said Callist.

"Well, I wanted to tell you all something. But... can you keep this between us?" said Ni, "I don't make promises" said Eura, "Very well, tell us" said Callist.

"It's about San, or Kevin as you guys call him. I know me and Ichi have done some stuff to him in the past... but he's still my little brother and part of me misses him" said Ni, both Callist and Ni weren't expecting to hear this, Eura knew Ni wasn't lying.

"What..? Why though?" said Callist, "He's my little brother, and I love him, well hate him sometimes but I love him deep down in my cold heart. I'm also a little worried for him too, as Ichi will find a way to get him back to use... one way or another and I fear what he might do to San" said Ni.

"Ni, but the ballony! You also played a part in trying to kill Gracie and joined in with Ichi on hurting San!" said Eura, "I know... that's because Ichi told me to do it! Listen, i'm not trying to blame all my actions on him, but I always followed in his footsteps because I thought it was what I should do... but now, my heart is telling me to not listen to Ichi and be brothers with San" said Ni.

"I see, looks like San wasn't the only one being controlled" said Callist, "I can relate, as I followed in Callist's footsteps when I was young, and she told me I didn't have to do everything she told me..." said Eura.

"Yeah... and I guess I was dumb enough to let him control me, like he controlled San" said Ni. "Callist, Eura. Please promise me you will not tell anyone of this, because if Ichi knows I said that, then things will only get worse" said Ni.

"Why don't you just run away from him? You are your own being now, you have for freedom! Take it!" said Callist. "It's not that easy, I never showed Ichi any defiance and I don't know if I can disobey him" said Ni, "...I understand, Ni, your promise will be kept, and I will make sure of it" said Callist, "However, you need to work something out with Ichi about this. Since your the most loyal brother, maybe he'll listen to you" said Eura... "I don't know... maybe" said Ni.

"Good, talk to your brother and maybe he'll listen to you" said Callist, they soon heard Io calling for them. "We gotta go! Ni, go back to your brother and talk to him!" said Eura, she and Callist flew away, and Ni flew back to their shelter witch was the dead lumberjacks cabin.

"Good flight?" said Ichi, "Yeah... hey Brother, can we talk?" said Ni.

"Very well, what do you wish to speak of?" said Ichi, "Well, I've been thinking... you want San back right?" said Ni. Ichi nodded, "Yes, I want him back and that little brat dead" said Ichi. "Well... I've been thinking, do you ever think we are... maybe being too harsh on San?" said Ni.

Ichi was silent for a moment, "How so?" said Ichi. "Well, we are trying to... force him back with us against his will. Threatening his new sister if he doesn't come back with us" said Ni. "Do you think maybe this isn't the way to bring San back?" said Ni.

"San is a traitor just for being apart of that human family, if this is one anyone's neck. It's that brat... but now you say it... maybe we are being too forceful with him. I just want him back with us so we can continue being a family... but he's making it hard for us by choosing that human over us" said Ichi. "Witch I don't understand. We are his blood, we are his bigger brothers, I brought him into this world, why would he choose those humans over us?"

"Well.. maybe because we weren't being the best brothers to him?" said Ni, "Are you sure? I always thought we needed to be rough to San to make him strong and tough like us..." said Ichi. "I thought that too... looks like we were both wrong..." said Ni.

"*sigh* Your right Ni, we should go over the home and apologize to San. After all, he's my little brother and I love him as such, I may of been rough, but he is still my brother and nothing will change that" said Ichi.

"We should probably do it tonight" said Ni, "Yes, tonight we go to our brother and make this all right!" said Ichi.

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