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Just a note, thank you to @Hi_Pam28, @TheQuietGreenOne and @cyclondoojay for commenting and @nanT-ana5 and @cyclondoojay for upvoting!!! If you comment/upvote/follow you get a shoutout!

@TheQuietGreenOne has published five stories that will really keep you wanting more! With three Ninjago stories and two books of one-shots, true Ninja-Nerds will love turning page after page!

@nanT-ana5 has three stories published so far, but I'm sure we all hope it doesn't stay that way! Ninjago headcanons, Ninjago the next generation, and awesome art? What next?

@Hi_Pam28 has written six amazing stories including one-shots! If you want a new favorite story to curl up with in your Lloyd-esque blanket fort, you should totally check these masterpieces out!!!

@cyclondoojay has six published stories including a story about one of Ninjago's favorite power couples (JAYA!), incorrect Ninjago quotes you're sure to love (and laugh with!), and three others! NINJAAA-GOOOOOOO!

Thank you so much!

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