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(Sergeant Jack Ramsey's POV, New Mombasa, FOXTROT-116's cargo bay.)

The sound of an M831 troop transport knocking against the magnetic clamps of a pelican felt like it was beating itself into my skull. The rest of my squad seemed to be on edge too, the sounds of heavy battle outside bothering them just as much as it bothered me.

"Sounds like they're having fun down there!" Corporal Lancer, my second in command, tried to joke and cheer up the group.

"Sounds like we're gonna get hit hard." Lance corporal Kathy, the machine gunner of our squad, growled. Private first class Erika Rommel, her loader, just hummed in agreement while pulling off her UNSCMC utility cover and putting her helmet on.

"We're gonna be in a zoo man... we're just... we're just lambs... t- to the slay- slaughter aren't we?" Private first class Ernst Schult, the newest member of the squad, asked nervously.

"We're gonna be fine, we've done this plenty of times." I tried to reassure him. Usually we have more help though... We're the reinforcements in this scenario.

"Besides, it's a nature reserve, maybe we'll see some cool giraffes?" Lancer tried to reassure Ernst as well, to no effect.

"More like some angry lions..." He whispered.

God this kids a downer... Maybe Lancer can give him some morphine... Might get him to calm down a bit. "Look, just chill out man, we'll be fine. We just have to clean out the LZ, then take the hog and round up some stragglers across the park."

"HEY! Sergeant! Get your ass in here!" The crew chief said, waving me to the cockpit. Sounds like we're almost there then.

(Third-person POV, Xiao long household.)

Ruby Rose, the youngest of the Xiao long household, woke up with a soft yawn. The sounds of birds chirping outside, along with warm sunlight filtering in through her window.

Her wolf ears slowly stretching out along with her arms, joints popping slightly as she yawns for a second time before smiling excitedly. "Since it's the weekend, mom might get home early! Maybe she'll help me with target practice out back!" The young girl enjoyed the sunlight for a moment longer, her black wolf ears soaking up the heat before she finally got out of bed.

Her bushy black wolf tail stretching out a little as well, before wagging slightly as she smiled a bit more, and opened her bedroom door to get started on her morning chores. "Gotta clean the kitchen, make dad breakfast, fix the couch cushions, clean the living room, clean the bathroom, and then I can make myself some breakfast!" Ruby whispered, not wanting to wake her father Tai, or her sister Yang.

(Sergeant Jack Ramsey's POV.)

"How can I help you?" I asked, leaning on the door to the cockpit, while the crew chief held onto the back of the pilot's seat.

"Wanted you to come get a look at the shit we're flying into." The pilot responded simply as the pelican dipped down a bit, giving me a better view of the landing zone.

The highest point of the nature reserve is where the covenant carrier had picked as its own LZ, and currently, marines and brutes were in a big struggle for control of it. What was left of the marines was now dug in right next to the LZ. Not to mention the small squads strung out across the park in bombed-out positions. THIS is what we're reinforcing!?

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