presenting the present as a present

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(Seven years later, present, Ruby Rose's POV, Vale streets.)

The warthog rolled through vale's streets while I took in every sight I could. Look at all the pretty street lights! That store has weapons I haven't ever even seen before! I giggled happily, leaning out of the warthog a little to get a better view of it all.

The ride was quiet, the night was young, the skies were beautiful. Though, that didn't last long. "Rookie, don't fall out." Jack warned, looking back at me from the passenger's seat.

"It's a long walk back." Kathy growled, while I leaned back and sat in my seat. They wouldn't make me walk... right?

"Do we have to tease the kid, just cause it's her first trip into the city?" Lancer asked, the warthog slowing a bit as we came to a red light. I hate when they talk about me like I'm not here.

"At least it means you aren't all making fun of me..." Ernst sighed out, leaning back in his chair in relief.

"Look, all we're here for is... Erika, what are we here for?" Jack growled out.

Erika quietly pulled out a small list, reading over it quietly. "Thirty bags of cement, replacement drill for the one that burnt out, eight large canisters of dust to power the fox pen, annnnnd.... Some building materials." Erika finished, a small smile on her face.

Jack groaned, while I smiled and scooted closer to her. "What are you building?"

"Dog house, I wanna try and catch a Beowulf." Woah! Erika's so cool!

"No on the building materials, yes on everything else. Lancer, stop at that hardware store." Jack commanded, Lancer obliging as everyone hopped out, and Erika helping me down with a small smile after we stopped. Jack was starting to say something else, but I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention.

Why wouldn't they ever let me come with them here? It's so pretty! I looked around at the city, buildings still having lights on even though it was nighttime. The cold air blowing through my long hair on a soft breeze. Above me the shattered moon's light shone down with the twinkling stars. It's not... quite the same as from home... it's different...

"Hey, kiddo, you alright? Did you hear me?" Jack asked, gently tapping my shoulder and getting me to focus on him and the squad.

"Y- yeah, definitely!" I lied, smiling a bit nervously.

"So you heard him say to stick close, and not get distracted?" Lancer asked, tilting his head. "We'll stop and get ice cream if you're good."

Ice cream? I haven't had that in sooooo long! It's been like, months since Ernst brought some back home! "Okay! Got it!" I smiled, my tail wagging while I stuck close to Erika.

"Yes! I love it when we get ice cream!" Ernst smiled, drooling slightly at the thought of ice cream.

Kathy snorted, before grumbling. "You're such a kid."

"You know you want some too." Erika whispered, gently flicking Kathy's waist.

I went to follow everyone inside, but I felt an odd feeling to look back, turning my head I saw several men entering some kind of shop across the street. Huh... maybe... one little peak won't hurt? I looked back to the others to make sure they wouldn't notice me, Lancer and Jack already inside and looking for Erika's supplies, while the other three were still talking and following them. Yeah, one quick peak won't hurt...

I quickly hurried across the empty street, making sure to check and see if my M6G was on my thigh. Okay, I can do this, its probably nothing, I'm probably just being paranoid... I hurried inside, my wolf ears a little down in nervousness.

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