interrogating a minor isn't illegal?

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(Ruby Rose's POV, Vale city police department)

The police station was grimy and gross. My handgun was taken from me, along with my radio, and I was shoved into a small room after having to take a picture holding up a sign. The room was entirely concrete, or it was cinderblock, I couldn't tell, and I didn't care.

They... they're coming back for me! Definitely! I just... should I try to get out of here in the meantime? A door across from me burst open, the cape lady stomping in with a growl, quickly followed by a man I hadn't seen before. "Four dead, two locked up, and two on the run! Do you know how much damage you caused, young lady?!"

I CAUSED?! I stopped them! I kept quiet, doing as Lancer had taught me to resist interrogation if I was ever taken. Instead, I just stared at my hands, both of which were covered in someone else's blood for the first time in my life.

"Not to mention the poor old man that was half scared to death! It's a miracle you're even alive! You know they shot you right!? Twice!" Shot me? Is that why it felt like someone had punched me in the gut?

"That's enough, Glynda..." Glynda? That's... kind of an old person's name... the man sat down across from me, resting his hands on the small metal table in front of me, and tilted his head. "Ruby Rose... you have, silver eyes." He knows my name? How does he know my name?

I stayed quiet, looking up at the man, who I saw had little glasses, before looking back down to my blood-soaked hands. The man and Glynda were quiet for a moment, seemingly trying to give me a moment to talk.

"Nothing to say?" He asked, while Glynda typed something into a tablet. "Tell me, where did you learn to do this?" He asked, pointing to a video feed of me cutting the two henchmen up.

Jack taught me that... I stayed quiet, watching the camera feed, seeing that my face was in fact covered with blood, as was my hair and some of my armor. Surprisingly, my wolf ears didn't get too bloody, neither did my hat.

"How about this... I give you this plate of cookies, and you answer... five questions. Does that sound fair?" The man asked, holding up a full plate of cookies in one hand. The other holding a cup of coffee.

I was quiet for another long moment, before nodding slightly and taking the plate. "S- sure."

"Okay then..." The man watched me scarf down two cookies in three seconds, before tilting his head again. "How does a fifteen-year-old girl like you, kill four grown men?"

I was about to eat a third cookie, but stopped, going blank for a moment. I mean, it was me or them. "Easy... you stab, and slice. Then move on. Or... in their case..." I nodded to me shooting two of the henchmen on the tablet. "You aim, and fire, handle the recoil, then move on."

Glynda was staring at me, with an emotion that I couldn't figure out, while the man just raised an eyebrow. "So you feel nothing for those four men?"

I didn't have to think about that question, instead chomping down three cookies at once. "Just the recoil, the ease of my knife carving through their skin and organs... Lancer tells me it's better not to worry about it. That a marine just kills and sticks with his or her squad." Yeah... they're definitely coming to get me, which means I need to stay put. Gather as much information as I can, and link up with them when I get the chance.

The man and Glynda were quiet again, by now I'd eaten all the cookies and was staring at them blankly. Finally, the man asked his third question. "And who is this... lancer?"

Good job ruby, way to resist interrogation, now you're just hungry for more cookies and you're selling out your squad... "Lancer... is... he's my..." I frowned, not really knowing how to explain lancer. "He's like... he's nice, strong, and caring. He makes sure I brush my teeth before bed, and he makes sure Ernst and Kathy don't spar too rough with me... He also makes sure Jack doesn't get too overprotective, or that Erika doesn't do anything too dangerous with me." I smiled a little, before shaking my head a bit to focus.

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