kick the door

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(Jack Ramsey's POV)

I climbed out of the troop hog, my hand on my M6G just in case while I walked towards the two girls. The blonde of the pair was now staring at me, rage in her eyes, while the girl with the black hair was just weakly looking up at me. Why does the one tied to the pole have wolf ears? You know what, that's not what's important right now.

"What's going on here?" I growled, lightly stretching my left shoulder to try and ease its soreness.

The blonde growled back at me, while the wolf girl didn't pay me any mind anymore, just staring at the ground. "It's none of your business! Now get out of here before I call my dad!" what a big mouth for such a short stack. I pushed the blonde aside and kneeled down in front of the girl with wolf ears. She doesn't look good... Lancer will definitely need to take a look at her... Bruises covered most of her face, along with small cuts, her arms and legs looking scrawny for her age, which I guessed was around eight years old. "DON'T TOUCH THE RU-"

The blonde was cut off by Kathy, grabbing her throat and lifting her off the ground. A savage growl leaving Kathy before she whispered something in the blonde's ear. The wolf girl seemingly having heard it and making her eyes widen.

Huh well, that's interesting. I cut the girl loose and gently picked her up. "You're gonna be alright, okay? Just listen to Lancer."

"L- La- L- Lancer?" The girl's voice was small, nervous, and scratchy. Her eyes darted around nervously, and her little black wolf ears laid in her black hair, but she didn't move to resist me sitting her in the back of the troop hog.

Lancer, hearing his name, quickly rushed over to the little girl, cradling her head while cleaning her face off. "Here sweetie, why don't you tell me what your favorite color is, huh?" how does he move so damn fast?

The girl seemed to perk up, her little wolf ears raising, and a little wolf tail I hadn't noticed starting to lightly wag. "Bl- bl- black... an- and red..." She whispered.

Lancer raised an eyebrow, joking while putting bandaids over the larger cuts and holding his cold canteen to her bruises. "Not many girls I know like black and red, you know you're special, huh?" The girl giggled slightly, smiling like the bruises weren't even there anymore.

He's always been good with kids, it's like a gift... No matter whats just happened he can somehow get 'em to calm down... I smiled softly, before turning back to the matter at hand, Kathy now holding the blonde against the side of the house, next to the door.

"You shut your bitch mouth before I slit your ugly little-" Definitely need to have her see a therapist.

"Jewels, drop her, she's irrelevant." Kathy growled, before dropping the blonde and looking to me for orders. "Knock for me, please." Kathy's grimace turned into a smile as she punched the window in the door out, before grabbing the door window's frame. If she really isn't part spartan, then I'm gonna eat my own goddamn boots.

Kathy, not minding the glass digging into her hands, just ripped the door clean off its hinges and straight out of the frame, before walking into the house. I looked to the blonde, who was now staring at me and Lancer like we were aliens. Yeah, I'd be freaked out if I came that close to Kathy too, kid.

A few seconds later, an older blonde man was thrown out of the house, landing on the ground with a soft thud and a groan. Kathy following quickly.

"House is empty, boss, but it looks like there's one missing." Kathy reported, before slamming her foot onto the man's back, making him yelp and grit his teeth in pain. "Orders?"

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