So, thats weird...

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(Ruby Rose's POV, Xiao long household.)

For the past ten minutes, Yang had been staring at me while I prepared dad a wonderful breakfast of three over-easy eggs and french toast. Along with a glass of vodka spiked orange juice. I... haven't done anything wrong... I think. I mean, I tried to hand her the milk, and I didn't say anything after she told me to be quiet... I quickly poured some syrup over the french toast and hurriedly sat it down on the counter next to the stove.

Just as I sat the glass down, I hear dad walking down the steps, groaning softly as he stretched out the morning from his joints. I think he'll like breakfast this morning! I cooked it to his exact specifications! I smiled to myself, standing next to the kitchen doorway as dad walked in and straight for his breakfast. "Morning dad!"

Dad didn't respond, instead, he chugged down the entirety of the glass of orange juice and got to work eating his eggs.

"Dad, can we practice outside today? Mom said she'd be away for a while, so I thought we could... please?" Yang asked excitedly, some emotion finally on her face. "Pretty please?!"

Dad raised an eyebrow, before smiling a little and sweeping his blond hair back. "Sure, my sunny little dragon." I wish dad would give me a nickname besides- "Runt, outside, now." Wh- what? I... I didn't do anything wrong, d- did I?

I reluctantly went outside, Tai and Yang following me, my tail and ears down in sadness. Did I screw up on his breakfast? I thought he asked for fifty percent orange juice fifty percent vodka? What did I do wrong?! Why do they do this every day? I felt myself start to sniffle as dad tied me to Yang's practice post.

(A few miles away, sergeant Jack Ramsey's POV.)

A groan filled my ears, in response, pain shot through my head like I'd just lost a screaming contest with a karen, and my left arm felt like I'd just had it sawn off. "Jesus christ..." My eyes opened slowly, bright golden sunlight screaming into my pupils and causing me to groan again.

The hell happened? Did we get hit by a Wraith? What was that silver glow?! I pushed myself into a sitting position, seeing the crew chief unconscious, and leaned against the pilot's seat. The pilot also seemed to be unconscious. Looking out the windshield of the pelican I saw lush green forest instead of beaches or rocky sands. This doesn't look like New Mombasa...

Looking to my left, I almost immediately jumped back in surprise. The co-pilot was halfway hanging out of his seat, head lulled down to the side and blood dripping onto the floor from his mouth. Damn... poor kid... thankfully there are worse ways to die.

I heard hacking and gagging from the cargo hold, Lancer throwing the door to the cockpit open only to recoil when he saw the co-pilot. "Shit!"

At least someones awake. "Lancer... help me up, I think my arms fucked." Lancer nodded quickly, pulling me to my feet with my left arm hanging to the side.

"You alright sir? I mean, aside from the arm?" Lancer quickly looked me over, before checking on the co-pilot, pilot, and crew chief. I took a moment to slow my breathing while he did so.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good, what about the arm?" I asked, going to move it only to scream in pain and hold my shoulder. "FUCK!"

Lancer rolled his eyes at my stupid attempt, before frowning slightly. "It's dislocated, boss, and the pilot and crew chief are fine... co-pilot didn't make it." Lancer whispered, before sitting me down against the side of the pelican. "Now hold still and breathe..."

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