Chapter 3

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The house wasn't a house but a mansion. The hallway seemed to take forever while the bare white walls didn't help my headache. The worst part was that I was wearing black kitten hills which forced me to hold on to Micheal arm so I didn't fall on my butt. My heart was beating so loud that even I could hear it. I looked at Micheal. His face was a mask that didn't show any emotions. He looked straight on. I thought what my parents were doing right now. Were they worried? Or did they think that I have gone to stay at Chloe's for the night. When I was feeling down I always went to talk to Chloe to cool down. Sometimes when it was really late I just stayed over. I missed her. This time she probably wouldn't believe what happened to me even if I dragged Micheal with me and showed her his fangs. I heard him chuckle. ' Her disbelieve wouldn't last for too long.' My hair stood up at his words. What did he mean? Vampires were so hard to understand. ' What I mean my little one is that if your friend found out about our existence I would have to kill her. Like any other human that knows about us, you only allowed to live because I will turn you vampire in the future. That's the order of things.' Micheal words chilled me to the bone but they also made me more curious. ' But can't a vampire ease people memories? I know that reading minds isn't the only thing you can do.' I asked. He had a surprised look in his eyes for a moment but it faded as soon as it came. ' You right I can ease people minds but the block can sometimes be broken. And that's when things get out of hand. Plus it's more fun just to kill the person.' I shuddered, he sure knew how to make a person sorry for asking. But this wasn't where my curiosity ended. ' So why didn't you just kill me at the shop?' He took time to give me his answer. 'You different. You not like the girls your age, you more mature. You don't feel like you belong. Your personality is far too complex to be ever satisfied with normal human life.' I looked down at the grey stone floor. He was right. I was never satisfied with my life, I was bored of it and wanted much more. But that didn't mean that I wanted to change so drastically either. He suddenly stopped and I nearly ran face first on a big brown door. He turned to look in my eyes, brushing away hair from my face with one hand. ' I can give you all of it. All you have to do is accept it.' We both stood like that for few moments when he finally looked at the door and pushed it open.

There were about ten people in the room and they all were staring at me. That moment I wanted to ran more than ever. I wasn't the shy type. Me and Chloe were used to doing many weird and stupid things. Like the day we both decided to wear our pj's bottoms' to school. The whole school was staring at us. But this was different. That moment I also realised vampires were damn good at staring. Suddenly the whole room snapped back to life and the all turned away. Probably feeling my distress. Micheal pushed me forward. I knew there was no point struggling with a vampire so I let him drag me over to a group of chatting women. One of them turned around and started squealing when she saw me. I tried to take a step back but Micheal held me in place. ' Rachel calm down, don't you see that you scaring the girl half to death.' She, Rachel I reminded myself, immediately stopped squealing and smiled at me. ' I'm sorry but I'm just over exited.' She said. I raised my eyebrow at her because I still didn't trust my voice. She giggles as she turned to Micheal ' She is sooo cute.' My goth ego kicked in ' I'm sooo not cute.' I said stretching my 'so' like her. I hated when people called me cute. Unfortunately even when I was in my full goth glory people still found me cute. It reminded me too much of someone talking about a pet. All the women giggled including Rachel. That made me shut up and listen again. Rachel was petite and pretty. She had long blond hair that I could bet that they were bleached, she wore a cute purple dress that went up to her thighs and she wore matching purple high hills. There were about 4 more women who were chatting to Rachel. They all were very beautiful. I slowly started to relax. I looked at Micheal and he just nodded and started walking away. I felt bit panicked but when Rachel grabbed my arm and they all started talking at once. I didn't know what else to do so I just stood there staring. Now my head ache was unbearable. I think one of them took the hint because she raised her voice and said ' One at a time!' They all shut up and started giggling like school girls. I looked around the room to find Micheal staring grimly at me. I turned to the women who spoke and said ' Thanks.' She smiled warmly at me. ' No problem, I'm Lucy.' I returned her smile and asked ' Why are you all acting like it's Christmas Eve or something?' I saw a women on my right with short dark brown hair who finally answered me. ' Well it's the first time we doing this...' Her voice trailed off. ' Doing what?' It was Rachel who answered my question. ' Raising a human child to become one of us. You see this custom was brought up centuries ago but somehow our nest never done it.' I didn't need a brain to guess that this child was me. Another thing that really annoyed me was being called a child but this time I didn't say anything. They all introduced themselves to me and the women with short brown hair was Rose while the two other were Isabella and Joan. Time went by fast. I wasn't scared or nervous after I started talking to the hyper vampire women. I found out that Lucy was only turned around 50 years ago. I think she said something about being turned around in the 60's. I also found out that Rachel is bisexual and that Joan was her mate. I wasn't all that surprised at that fact, something about the way they looked at each other. I wasn't introduced to any of the men through. But I had to admit to myself that I wasn't all sad about that. Micheal and the 5 women that now I was really starting to like were enough.

When we saw Micheal approaching Isabella immediately stopped talking and just stared at him. I was getting really tired so it was a relief to see him. ' Hello ladies.' He said politely with an old fashioned curtsy. All of the women giggled except Rose and me. She was the most serious of the group. Thanks heavens for that because the rest reminded me too much of chatty school girls... I never understood them. I nodded my head and smiled. I still didn't trust myself round Micheal. 'Well tomorrow we all leaving early so I think Turaya should get her rest, she must be very tired after spending time with you five.' He smiled as he said the last part. Again giggles rose from the group and this time Rose joined in. I couldn't help but notice that they all adored Micheal. I got hugs from Rachel and Lucy as we said our good nights. When we were finally out the room Micheal spoke to me again. ' They are a hand full aren't they?' I smiled at him as he helped me down the corridor. ' Definitely.' I agreed. ' I'm happy to see that you getting on well.' It came a surprise to me how easy this was. You think that getting bitten, kidnapped and enslaved would at least make me a bit shy. He stopped and looked me in the eye ' You not enslaved Turaya.' I smiled and said to him ' So do I have to become vampire?' He looked startled but when he said simply ' Of course.' I just laughed ' So here's your answer.' Micheal didn't respond to that except he just started walking. When we got to the room that I woke up in I sat down on the king sized bed finally happy to be sitting. When I took off my shoes and rubbed my feet. I was so gonna suffer from the blisters that started to show. ' Tomorrow when night still is young Rachel will wake you up and we going to catch our plane around midnight. So I advise you to get a good sleep.' And at that he started walking towards the door but when he stopped and turned around and said ' And I wouldn't try anything funny like trying to get out during the day. I had your blood so I can track you anywhere you go.' And at that, he left. Reminding me once more that he was a true vampire.

Picture of Rose at the side :P

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