Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Photo: Rachel :)

Shopping with Rachel was a torture. But at the same time made me feel strangely welcome. I also regretted that I didn't spend enough time with my mum before I was taken. But me and her never really agreed. ' Come on Turaya, we need to get you few more dresses.' Rachel said pulling me by the hand.

Like 13 wasn't enought. Another 3 dresses went away with us. So now it was 16 dresses. I really hoped that was enought for Rachel. ' When are we going back home?' I moaned. She turned to me smiling. ' You said 'home' She said.

Rachel was right. ' I didn't notice. ' Shut up. ' I said with a smile. I felt like a traitor to myself. Me and Rachel got back to the car. There were so many bags that some had to on the back seat. ' This was fun. ' Rachel said looking at me. ' Sure... For a person who can't get tired.

She give me an odd look. So I just decided to continue on ' What I mean is that you taken shop till you drop to a whole new level.' That made her smile. ' Thank you Turaya, that's so nice off you.' That made me snort with laughter. ' Turaya! That's so unladylike!' Rachel said mimicking Michael deep voice.

At that we were both laughing so hard that I was running out of air. Although I didn't think that Rachel had the same problem. When I finally managed to stop laughing I said ' But you right, he would soo say that.' Rachel still was trying to get herself together before she replied. ' Oh sweetie you have no idea, sometimes he even snaps at me for being to modern in my ways.' she stopped but soon continued ' you in hell for a ride Turaya. And I can only say that it's hot.' And with that she started the car engine.

I was tired from the long shopping trip so I decided to close my eyes as we drove home in silence. However my peace didn't last too long as Rachel didn't seem to like the silence very much. ' So yesterday, what was Christian talking about?' I took a deep breath, sadly I felt like Rachel deserved an explanation.

' That night it was when I finally managed to get Cullem off my back.' I said trying not to get into detail. But Rachel wasn't letting go off it that easily. ' What do you mean?' I thought of how to make it less detailed but understandable. ' Well what I mean is that the jerk was blackmailing and I was putting a stop to it.'

Rachel gasped. 'How awful! But what did you do that would be worth blackmailing?' Shit, that was the question I was trying to avoid. I closed my eyes clearing my mind. 'This one time I might have been drunk and had sex with him.' I blurred it out so quickly I didn't even understand myself. Rachel mouth fell open as she starred at me in horror. Did I mention already that vampires were damn good at starring?

I looked down in shame, the only other person who ever knew that was Chloe. ' I'm sorry.' I whispered scared of what she would do now. Probably hate me and tell the others. I tried my hardest to stop it but at that though my eyes started to water.

Rachel must have saw that because she put her hand on my shoulder and said, 'Hey don't cry, it's alright. You can't undo it now. I guess I'm a little shocked since you are so young but it's not the end of the world.'

I looked up. Hope starting to raise in me. 'You don't hate me?' I asked. 'Course not! It's like you keep saying, it's 21st century.' I smiled at that. Maybe it was alright. But there was another question nagging at me. 'Will you tell the others?' Rachel smiled sadly. ' I won't but there's this problem with Michaels mind reading.' Great so even when I become a vampire my thoughts still won't be privet!

If I even live up to that after he learned that little fact about me. He fucking going to kill me! 'Don't worry the worst case scenario, he's gonna be really mad and make you somehow pay but as you saw.' She gestured at my chest with her hand ' he doesn't do a very good job.' I hoped she was right. Cos God, I was scared.

Suddenly Rachel put the radio on and a fast pop song came on. She started singing along to it smiling once again. 'So now you mine. Just give your hand and I will show you the way...' My body started to relax as I watched Rachel sing. She had a beautiful voice and it felt like it was pulling me in...

'Turaya we here!' I felt Rachel scream as she tried to wake me up. 'Wakey, wakey!' Couldn't she leave me alone. I wanted to sleep. 'Fine I guess we just have to do this the hard way.' I heard her say before I felt something cold and wet fall down my cleavage. 'Ahhhh!' I screamed as it started to melt down my top. Rachel sat there laughing at me as I was trying to get the freaking ice cube from down my top.

Lets just say I didn't have the time since it all melted in my top and the front of my top had a wet patch on it. 'Really?!' I said annoyed. She smiled innocently at me. 'I did try to wake you up.' I growled to my self as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

'The guys can get our stuff, lets just go in.' Rachel said. I followed her to the door and as we got inside Joan threw herself at Rachel. 'You couldn't take any longer, could you Rachel babe?' Joan asked as she finally let go of Rachel. 'I asked you to come you know.' Rachel replied with a sexy smile on her lips. 'But I wanted you to spend some time with Turaya, I knew how exited you were.' Then she turned to me.

'You wouldn't mind if I stole her back now, would you?' She asked with a glimpse of mischief playing in her eyes. I totally knew what she meant. 'Not at all.' I said. And with that the vampire women were gone in a flash.

I decided that there was no point hanging round the door so I started heading for the stairs so I could get to my room. Suddenly one of the twins was standing in front of me, startling me which made me lose my balance and fall on my butt.'Uggh.' I said asI hit the floor. 'I apologize, I'm not used to being round humans. I forgot how easily they get frightened.' He said giving me a hand however I dismissed it and got up by myself.

I would have dismissed the whole appearing and making me fall but the comment he made about humans and frights pissed me off. 'It's fine.' I said trying not to sound rude.'Which twin and you if you don't mind me asking?' I felt strange not really knowing who he was. He give me a cocky smiled, 'I'm Cameron.'

The one that snapped at me. I decided to me polite and apologize to him because I did fee quite bad for the yesterdays scene. 'I'm sorry for being rude to your brother, lets just say he seen something private and I was scared he was going bubble it out in front of everyone.' I finished giving him an apologetic smile.

He nodded but didn't comment on it which I might add I was glad about. 'You seem quite tired, I would like to escort you to your room.' He said. 'Sure.' I replied. I wasn't sure I liked the idea of him walking me to my room however I didn't want to argue with him snapping at me earlier. 

We walked to my room in silence. I wasn't sure what to say so I decided not to say anything at all. ' I still can't see what he sees in you.' Cameron said out of nowhere. ' Who?' I asked confused. He stopped. Causing me to stumble since I was walking behind him.

' Michael.' He sounded angry. That scared me a little, because I had no idea what he was talking about and why he was angry. When he turned to face me. ' You know he never hesitated to kill anyone, yet suddenly he spares you and brings you back with him. I want to know why.' He growled out the last sentence.

I took a step back. I was scared shitless but my pride wouldn't let me show it. I made sure I sounded tought before I answered him. ' I don't know why,but why don't you ask him.'  It was really hard to remain calm.

Suddenly, out of no where, I felt a painful blow hit cheek. What the hell! Did he just slap me? He was smiling, a cruel smile that made me want to run and hide. I rubbed my cheek glaring at him, I couldn't show weakness. ' What the hell was that for?' I asked thought gritted teeth. I really wanted to yell but I knew that would just end badly for me.

' I didn't like your tone.' He said, the smile never leaving him face. Bastard. I decided to get away before I said something that he would make me regret. As I took a step toward in direction of my room, I felt him grab my arm in a vice like grip. ' You know it's not polite to just walk away.' He said. ' Well then you sure know it's not polite to just slap people.' I said really trying no to add asshole to the end of my sentence.

He surprisingly let go of my arm and stepped away. ' Turaya.' I turned to see Michael standing at the top of the stairs. ' Go to your room.' He continue, not looking at me. I didn't have to be asked twice. I turned and run to my new room. I was even more surprised to find all the shopping bags piled on the floor. 

I flung myself on the bed exhausted. My cheek was blazing hot. It felt strange, like a reminder that this was far from over.

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