Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was so glad to get out of the car. I hated feeling broken and looking at Michael just made me ashamed that he broke me in first place. The moment I got out of the car I gasped. I never had time nor desire to look at the house that Michael took me to after he bit me. All I knew is that it was probably a mansion. But this place look like it jumped right out from a movie. This was definitely a mansion, it was white except the door which were made of fine looking glass. All the lights were on and I could hear music coming from inside. It was still a bit of a walk to the front door and the garden looked amazing. Even through it was night time and I couldn't see very well I could see that there were lots of beautiful flowers and trees planted all over the place. ' Like what you see?' I jumped as I heard Michael voice beside me. I should really stop forgetting about people. It wasn't just rude but it also scared the hell out of me. ' This place is amazing.' I said forgetting all about our little disagreement in the car. Michael chuckled beside me. ' Wait till you see your room.' I smiled at him. ' As long as it's not pink or white I'm pretty sure it's gonna look awesome.' Don't worry it's not pink nor white.' I skipped happily beside Michael. I was happy that none of my friends saw me like this. No goth glory or bitchy attitude. Just a happy girl skipping. The only person who ever saw me like this was Chloe. And it wasn't very often either. When we got to the front door Michael picked me up bridal style throw open the door and ran at vampire speed upstairs. I was shocked by both his actions and force of the speed he used. When he set me down on the floor he said ' I apologise for that but I was sure that you would like to get washed up before going down for the party and I didn't think you would be able to if Rachel caught us.' That moment I saw Rachel glide down the corridor in out direction. She wore sexy sea-green dress that went past her knees and matching high hills. ' Do you really think that you can escape from me that easily Michael?' She laughed. ' No but I always try.' Michael answered smiling at Rachel. ' How about you get ready and I take care of Turaya from here?' She asked, smiling at me. I returned her smile and looked at Michael. ' Yes, thank you Rachel.' And he was gone in a flash.

Rachel led me inside my new room. My room looked absolutely amazing. Three of the walls were wallpapered in a dark purple wallpaper with black roses on it and the forth wall was a mirror. There were two windows and in between the windows stood a king sized bed with black cover with curtains to match. The floor was made of dark wood but it was covered by a purple fluffy rug. There was a giant wardrobe and dressing table to match. I was amazed. The room was beautiful. ' And tomorrow we going shopping to fill in your new wardrobe and get you some other stuff.' Rachel squealed. I made sure I didn't jump this time but that didn't mean that I didn't get a fright. ' Are you a mind reader too?' I asked Rachel, not happy about the idea. ' No, Michael the only one of us who can do it. Besides the excitement was clear on your face.' Oh, I relaxed a little. So that meant that it was only Michael I had to watch my thought around. ' Come on Turaya! We need to get you ready for the party.' Rachel tugged at my arm impatiently. We got out of my new room and started walking forward another door. ' Where are we going?' I asked her. ' To my room.' She answered pulling me toward the door. ' Why?' I asked. 'We need to get you dressed and we the same size.' Rachel opened the door and pulled me in. Her room had a familiar set up to my room but Rachel colour theme was white and red. She pointed at the bed and said ' Sit.' While hurrying towards the wardrobe. I sat there looking at her as she looked through her wardrobe making faces as she looked at pieces of materials. Finally she give of a satisfied grunt and pulled out dark blue knee length dress. ' Put that on.' Rachel throw the dress at me.

I looked in the mirror amazed. The dress fit me perfectly. It wasn't too tight but it hang to my hips and give off extra curves, my black waist long hair usually really straight were now curly and make-up wasn't much. Only some black eye-liner and black mascara. But the the thing shone off my natural beauty. ' Here.' I saw Rachel behind me throwing a pair of shoes at me. I caught it in no time leaving Rachel staring at me. I guess she didn't expect me to caught them. I smiled at her. ' Thanks.' I replied putting them on. It was a pair of black high-hills with the hill covered in silver spikes. Now I looked like I was 17 or 18. Not my usual 14 years of age. Well 15 in two moths. ' You look beautiful Turaya. Not like when Michael brought you. All black and edgy.' I stared at her. I did agree with her about the first part but the rest just pissed me off. ' But black is my favourite colour.' I whined. ' Tough luck. From now I be dressing you.' Great! So now Rachel made me her personal Barbie doll. Not good. Rachel walked forward me and started putting something on my neck. It was a silver necklace with a little heart shaped locket on it that looked pretty old. ' I got this from my mother when I was still human. I thought that since we family you should have it. So you know that you can always count on me.' I touched the little heart with the tip of my finger. Truly? Maybe this won't be as bad as I made it out to be. I turned around and give Rachel a hug. She hugged me back within seconds. ' Thank you.' I whispered. We let go of each other and smiled. ' Should we go down now?' Rachel asked still smiling. She walked to the door opening it for me. When I walked out I saw Michael waiting in the corridor. ' Ready ladies?' He asked. We both nodded and giggled. ' oh no! I leave you two alone for half an hour and you already make her act like you Rachel.' Michael said making a horrified face. I giggled even harder while Rachel said ' I don't see how that's a bad thing.' Rachel said sounding innocent. ' Come on.' Michael sighed and started walking along a pale blue corridor. I was glad it wasn't white. ' The house in Scotland we been staying in was for a short visit so we didn't bother with any decorations that's why it was so plain and dull. We planing on staying here for longer so we had make this place more interesting didn't we Rachel?' Michael said looking from me to Rachel. ' I can't stand plain and boring.' Rachel muttered. I shook my head smiling. Living with these two was definitely gonna be interesting. When we finally got to the stage where the music could be heard I knew we arrived. I slowed down my pace feeling shyness over come me. Rachel looked at me and grabbed my arm pulling me inside the busy room. Like the one in Scotland the room was big. But here I noticed was more furniture. We went across the busy room to where Lucy, Isabella, Rose and Joan were standing. Rose was the first one to speak ' Turaya you look so beautiful! I'm so glad that you finally came, from what I heard you had a little disagreement with Michael' Disagreement?! The bastard nearly broke my wrist! Not mentioning the emotional damage. I smiled politely at Rose. ' Thank you and truly it was nothing.' She nodded still beaming at me. ' So how was your trip?' A women with lovely sea-blue eyes asked me, I think her name is Joan . ' Ok I guess.' I said not putting much enthuse into my voice. When I noticed that Michael and two other men were coming in our direction.' Hello ladies.' Michael greeted us. ' I just wanted to introduce Cameron and Christian to Turaya.' The two men were twins, the only difference were their ties. ' Hi.' I nodded at the twins. Both men were very handsome and held strong features. They nodded back at me. ' Christian was particularly interested in you since he saw you before.' What? I smiled at the man called Christian just to seen polite ' I'm sorry but I have no idea what you talking about.' He smiled. Christian definitely of all males had the most charming smile. ' The night at the graveyard.' Well, the graveyard was my most popular hanging out place. ' There was one red headed pixie girl with you and two older looking boys.' The first person was easy to guess. Chloe and the two boys were probably Damien and Cullem. But Christian wasn't finished talking ' You and the long haired boy had an argument...' ' Ok I know what he meant and he so didn't need to go any further. ' Yeah.... I remember now.' I cut him off rudely. Cameron give off a hiss ' You will not speak to my brother that way!' I smirked. Sure it must have looked like I have a death wish but I was simply amused by how protective the brothers were of each other. ' It's ok brother.' Christian spoke up. ' It's clear that there are some things Turaya just doesn't want mentioned here.' I looked down at the ground. Embarrassed that someone out side my little circle witnessed what happened that night. ' Besides, it was lovely talking to you ladies but me and my brother will go now. Nice meeting you Turaya.' Christian said as he and his brother turned around to walk away. I didn't answer, I just stared as he walked away. Michael didn't take long to comment on my sudden outburst. ' What were you thinking acting this way! Christian been nothing but polite to you! Besides, how disgraceful? Spending time with boys older than yourself.' Great, so now he was mad at me. Again! ' I'm sorry Michael but he was going somewhere where its better to not go at all. Ever. Besides it's not freaking 18th century.' I said not forgetting the lesson in the car for raising my voice. Instead I tried to remain calm. That moment I realized that every pair of eyes was directed at us. I think Michael noticed then as well because he just glared at me and then not looking back walked away. I turned back to the usually chatty were now starting wide eyed at me. Finally Rose broke the silence, ' well ladies, I get the feeling that Turaya just brought us a whole load of entertainment to this boring place.'

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