Chapter 9

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The whole room was covered in darkness. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling trying to clear my head. Everything was so complicated. Just less than 5 days ago my life had been more normal than ever. Getting through school, hanging out with my friends and dealing with my annoying family, and now. I was kidnapped by a vampire, moved to France and told that I had no other choice but to join the ranks of the undead in couple of years!

Now I thought back I missed how simple my life used to be. Life where vampires exited in only the stories I read. Even Twilight seem more simple than this! Funny how fast things change in such small amount of time.

I was still lost in thoughts when suddenly I felt a hand brush against my shoulder. Thankfully I stopped myself from screaming I got such a fright.

'Hun, are you ok?' It was Rachel. She must have heard the whole thing... crap, I would be surprised if everyone in the house didn't. Stupid vampire hearing. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' I answered her hoping she would leave me alone. 'Do you want to talk about it? ' She asked with more concern this time. I felt bad for making her worry. 'Not really... I just need some time to think.' I said hoping she get the message and leave me alone. 'Ok, I bring you something to eat then.' She said and started walking towards the door. 'I just hope that you know that you can always talk to me.' I looked at her dark outline standing next to the door. I couldn't see her but I was sure she could see me clearly. 'Yeah.' I said trying to smile but failing leaving a sad grin on my face. And that was the end of our our conversation.

Finally alone again I sighned. Why did she even care? I was just some weak human compared to her. I really didn't understand why Michael just didn't kill back in that cursed shop. And to what Cameron said to me back in the hallway that didn't happen very often either. 'Why me?' I whispered the question to myself. I touched my cheek, remembering the stings of the slap. I was more humiliated than hurt but that was probably his intention in the first place. After all if he really wanted to hurt me he wouldn't slap... probably strangle me instead. Brrrr, the thought of it caused me to shiver.

I got up and went to the light switch. Nearly triping on the bags that were scattered on the floor. I switched on the light and went up to one specific bag. One containing a laptop in it. It was a thin Apple laptop that I wanted for ages but never had the chance to get it. I took my time studying all the pieces and reading though the instructions. I didn't want to break it on my first go.

As I was plugging in the charger I heard the click of the door. It was Rachel. She was holding a plate full of sandwiches and a clear glass of water. 'Hi.' I said as a big smile made its way on my face. I didn't know I was hungry until I saw the food. 'I see someone is hungry.' Rachel chuckled. 'Yup.' I answered now forgetting all about what I was doing. I got up and grabbed the plate full of sandwiches. I made made my first bite and moaned in pleasure. Rachel laughter filled the room. I stopped chewing and give her an odd look. 'This is the first thing that I made in couple of centuries,  it's sounds like I didn't disappoint. ' She said while still laughing. 'Seriously?' I asked in suprise.

But before Rachel had the chance to reply there was a knock on the door. 'Come in.' Rachel said barely raising her voice. It was Michael. He had an uneasy expresion on his face.

'Are you ok?' He asked looking directly at me. 'Yeah.' I answered still munching on my sandwitch. When he looked at Rachel. 'May I have a word with Turaya alone.' That wasn't a question. It was a silent request to leave. I felt Rachels hand ruffle my hair as she left with a 'Be back soon.' I wasn't happy about her leaving since she was pretty much the reason for my courage.

Michael sat down next to me as I suddenly lost all my appetite. Well who wouldn't in this kind of situation?! 'I know what happened in the corridor but you need to pay more respect to the elder members of this home.' He said, his eyes sterm and soft at a same time. 'But it wasn't my fault... How I meant to know why I'm still alive if I'm not told anything at all.' I shook my head frustruated. Instead of him getting mad at me I like I thought he would Michael just signed. 'Why do you have to be such a curious creature.' I laughed at that, unexpected sound that I wasn't sure how to stop. 'Creature? Last time I checked you were the one that appeared in scary stories for kids.'

He chucked at my comment. 'Perhaps I chose the wrong wording... but remember. Curiosity killed the cat. And you don't want to be the cat, do you?' I shook my head. Ofcourse I didn't, I just wanted to know the reason why I was in this madness and not dead in a ditch.

Even though I knew I should be thankful I was alive I really didn't feel all that lucky. I mean, vampires, who would. 'But seriously, why didn't you kill me?' I asked. Just like before curiosity winning.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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