twenty one

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I sit by myself in the dining room, sighing in boredom.

There was really no point in me going outside because they were having an event that specifically involved being with Maximus. If I was to do it...he'd have to just ignore me the whole time.

I'm not in the mood to be laughed at.

It has only been one day, and yesterday was horrible. I grinned at him and I at least would expect a nod. He just...acted as if I wasn't there. It's expected to appease the masses...but it hurts more than I thought.

I feel really disliked.

By him.

I know it's just an act, but it's all too familiar.

When I hear the door to the dining room open, I'm surprised to see Felix walking in. He had this look discontent on his face as he sat at a separate table from me.

I just looked at him for a bit...but I couldn't help myself as I made my way over to him. Now that I was before him, he looked up at me oddly. Except I end up taking a deep breath and I rest my hand on the table.

"I...have a question."

"About?" Felix says so calmly, not even sounding concerned. I inhale nervously, but end up shrugging. Before I could even open my mouth to say it he narrowed his eyes at me. "You're going to ask me the obvious question...aren't you?"

I look at him shyly, but end up nodding. Felix looks away from me and I could understand his annoyance. When he looked at me though he didn't look annoyed.

"I have a disorder that causes me to have constant and random Heats. The way they can be treated is by a dominant Alpha, and Maximus is the solution." Felix says calmly, causing me upset.

I honestly feel like he's...taking advantage of Maximus' kindness. It doesn't even sound like sex's just something that they had to deal with. I am confused, but not.

I'm more upset easily that could've been handled.


I look at Felix again, seeing him waiting calmly. That made me frown at him immediately that he'd say that to me.


I see Felix wait for my response, and it annoyed me.

"You have a condition that causes you to have reoccurring Heats...that can't be treated unless you're with an Alpha. That is what you are telling me?"

"Yes." Felix nods calmly, and I found my face twisting up. "Is there a problem-?"

"I see a major problem. If you knew you had that...that 'issue' then why'd you come here? I am pretty damn certain there are ways to treat your issue, why didn't you go for those instead of having sex? You risk everything doing that...what if you got pregnant?" I question him, and he sighs.

He couldn't answer my question because he knew it was true.

"He wouldn't let something like that happen, and I know that is a fact because he's alluded to it never happening. It's always been about you...nobody else. Why do you bother being jealous?" He questions me in annoyance, causing me to frown.

"Why wouldn't I be upset?"

"What he does has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't take things such as that to heart. Alphas and Omegas are complex differentiations, we thrive off of one another. I don't expect you to relate considering how standoffish you are to the whole idea of sex. We aren't in a relationship, he doesn't belong to any of us. He doesn't even belong to you. Who the hell do you think you are to think that is and was so?" He snaps at me out of nowhere.

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