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I sat by myself, feeling a little bit of anger.

The fact that I was...in trouble for what I said is ridiculous to me. Maximus said he'd have my back on the whole situation, but that's not what I desired.

Right now...all I wanted was to go home.

At the same time there wasn't really a point of going back. What would my parents say or do for me? My dad is an Alpha and I can only imagine how he felt hearing me say that - if he even watched the broadcast.

Would they even let me back home?


I look, seeing Vero walking towards me. She even took the time to come outside to see me?

My eyes became watery when she looked actually worried for me. I could tell she cared about me and I...really needed to see that. Because right now I felt like everyone was against me.

I'm tired of being tired is all.

"Vero...hello." I croak sadly because I was really hurt.

"Beau I am proud of you - for what you said." Vero told me, giving me a thumbs up and I smile. Except my smile didn't reach my whole face as I had to wipe some growing tears in my eyes.

"I just don't understand why everyone is so against the most unproblematic differentiation. Why do I have to be attacked for stating the truth? I didn't mean to start a riot - I did what was necessary and Host Steward was prying for answers! What was I supposed to do?! Ignore him and make myself look worse?! I'm tired of people attacking me for what I can't help!" I cry, Vero nodding in understanding as she pats my shoulder.

I knew at this moment that everything was jeopardized. If I am considered too problematic will they easily remove me?

"Vero do you think...what I said was wrong?" I ask her awkwardly.

She shook her head no, ruffling my hair. I started to smile because she was so sweet. It was kind of embarrassing but...I had a slight crush on her.

It was hard not to! She was so nice and honestly if a woman was to be chosen in all this - it should be her. I know I would choose her if I was in Maximus' position and of his authority.

"You said the absolute truth. I'm surprised so many people got as mad as they did. It's kind of disgusting." Vero shook her head, leaning back onto the grass.

I lay back with her, the both of us looking up at the sky. It was a clear night sky and it was very peaceful.

"You should keep saying the hard truth. Eventually people will begin to think about it more deeply and they'll maybe start to understand. I can't speak for others, but you never know. Just don't give up on what you believe in - because I believe in you." Vero pats my arm, making me smile happily.

I truly appreciated her kindness.

"I wish I met you before this competition." I confess to her. I keep looking at the sky because I was too embarrassed to look at her. "I would prefer you to not be my competitor, but a-."

"Why aren't you in your house?"

Vero and I look, seeing Maximus walking towards us. He had his hands in fists as he continued to walk faster. Once he was closer to us Vero got up now, helping me off the ground.

The both of us stood before him, while he was staring down at us.

"We just wanted to do something different. Is that such a bad thing? Calm down-."

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