twenty five

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"You're telling and Maximus are dating?"

I had my head leaned on Maximus' shoulder, sitting right beside him as we did work. Vero looked at us funny like she isn't kind of the reason we are here now.

"I mean...we never said that aloud, but if you want to think that we won't stop you." Maximus responds to her accordingly. When I look back at her she looked a little lost.

"Beau I'm a little confused."

"Vero I know, but just know that I know what I've done. I've forgiven him...okay?" I tell her calmly, her eyes widening. "I listened to him, something I should've done a long time ago; but maybe it was good I didn't. We've both grown as individuals, some more than others."

I snicker when I feel his shoulder nudge mine.

"Beau I want to talk to you." Vero starts, and I sigh.

"Just say it here please." I say without much of a reaction. She folds her arms and I suddenly see Maximus looking up at her too.

Not sure what was happening, but it seemed like an Alpha...thing.

"Maximus, you made Beau cry for months and suffer because of your past actions-."

"I already know that. We spoke about such a has nothing to do with you. I don't remember ever agreeing to date you too." Maximus just states very simply as if their conversation wasn't worth having.

"I don't want Beau to be hurt again by anybody."

"I have that same agenda-."

"I don't want Beau to be hurt by you again."

"I have...that exact same agenda once again. I'm not going to hurt's not going to happen. I mean that from the bottom of my heart." Maximus goes back to writing things down.

Now I just look at Vero who looked dissatisfied even has nothing to do with her. I know she's my best friend, but I don't want her to hold onto something that I've forgiven him for.

I learned the truth behind his actions...

"You need to prove to me that-."

"I have nothing to prove to you. It's Beau I need to show my change to. All I have to prove myself to is him." Maximus continues to do his work without having looked up at her.

This time I look at her, I shake my head in a pleading manner. She didn't need to worry anymore, I didn't want her to worry anymore. He's not like that anymore... If I can see that then what's up with her not being able to?

"Yeah, you only have to prove yourself to him. I still have the right as a friend to be worried for him and watch his back. Especially when it comes to anybody that wants to be in his love life-."

"I still think that has nothing to do with you, but okay. I meant what I said...I'm not hurting him like that again, I'm not - I can't." Maximus finally looks at her as he slides over a piece of paper to me.

When I look I saw that I had to sign something that would begin the process of the any possible constructions. Before I was in my own room that I had rented out, but if this is what I'll get to help other Betas...

Without hesitation I begin to sign it off.

I look back at her and she was already walking away. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings or worry her, but I hope she understands's up to me.

I hug Maximus tightly, my face pressed to his neck. I inhaled his scent and I was surprised by how enthralled I was by his scent.

"Thank you for allowing me the honor to smell your pheromones. Is this what...everyone else smells?" I ask him as I feel his hand caress my back.

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