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"Don't you think Maximus will be upset that you dyed your hair?"

I look down at Orion as him, Knox, and I walked to the castle. My eyes set on the sight of lots of camera crew...too many cameras.

That reminded me - this was televised.

"It's a whatever at this point. He told me he liked my black hair and to not change it - that gave me a good reason to change it in my opinion." I smile as I start to loosen my tie a bit.

"That's kinda conflicting Beau. Don't you want Maximus to like you? I'd be honored if he told me I had nothing to change about myself - that I was basically perfect." Knox clasped his hands over his heart again.

I just face forward and don't respond. I forget I have to make this believable. If there's any doubt or suspicion that I'm here for the wrong reasons - it's over. I'm sure of it.

"If I dye my hair a different color I can expand his thoughts and let him see I can rock more than just black hair. I had virgin hair, so..." I lie without any hesitation.

"Yeah, you're also a little virgin at being able to have fun and sex." Knox snorts, and I again don't respond.

I was a virgin - what's so bad about that? I'm also seventeen and I'm not going to have sex with anyone until I'm mates with someone... So I guess I'll be a virgin forever.

"No point in denying it. I guess I'm just too average." I shrug, and I suddenly felt my back be shoved forward quite harshly. Only to feel a arm wrap around the back of my neck, bringing me down a little.

I saw a blonde girl smirking at me. Though I knew who she was by memory because she glared at me yesterday. She was merciless in the glaring and wanted to make it known she didn't seem to like me...

"At least you know the truth yourself. I don't have to break it to you what you are." The girl snickers as she tries to make her words look friendly.

Though they were mean in nature.

"Yes - I'm a Beta, what's so wrong with that-?"

"Everything is wrong with being a Beta! I mean, not to mention it's near to impossible for your kind to have children. Male Betas are even worse. I just want to remind you that you don't deserve to be here - you're honestly taking up space." She smiles at me as she pulls away, patting my chest as if she was smoothing it down.

Her hands went to my tie and I wasn't very comfortable.

I look, seeing Knox and Orion being bombarded by other females so that told me she must've done this. Because she definitely wanted to talk to me alone.

"Don't tell me something I already know." I say simply, and that's when this girl tightens my tie. Basically choking me, I yank away from her to see this disgusted look on her face.

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