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|🔝 Dawson Leeyung; differentiation - Omega***

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|🔝 Dawson Leeyung; differentiation - Omega

"You have any nerves at all?" I hear Knox ask me as we were due to go before thousands. I couldn't hear the crowds yet, but I could see them. Just the amount of people filling the stadium was frightening.

"Of course I do. I'm not one for big crowds - trust me." I shook my head whilst fixing my jacket. "I worked in a restaurant and even speaking with the people eating there was torture. This is agony for sure."

I could tell just by others reactions that it was divided. Some were ecstatic while others were just nervous. I want to promote myself and let people know who I am, but...why couldn't it just be recorded then posted?

I feel like having to go before thousands is a little too much.

"Some people can handle the stress of being around others - I cannot." I snort shyly, glancing to my left to see Dawson Leeyung prepping himself.

I have spoken to almost everybody in this competition - not him yet. He's been a bystander in some of the bullying against me too, so it makes sense as to why we haven't spoken.

Besides being a bystander, I've seen him be very kind to others. He seems very nice, and I don't think he has an issue with me...

"Dawson." I say his name, and he looks at me. I didn't get a rude stare from him or anything. He genuinely was waiting for me to say something. "Are you...looking forward to the event before thousands?"

He smiles at me, and I found his smile to be very charismatic. Had me wanting to be friends with him.

"I think everyone deep down has the nervous jitters - I know I do. I'm just trying to go about it positively." He tells me with a bright smile.

I give a thumbs-up, and his smile gets larger.

"I am sorry about your ear and what they did to you - that was too far. If I had been near I wouldn't have let that happen." Dawson ends up telling me, and I don't respond.

If that was the case then he wouldn't be a bystander.

"That's kind of you to say." Is what I respond with, and he grins.

Now him and I kind of just stood here quietly, not saying a word to one another. It was awkward...and I finally excused myself.

I see Vero gesture for me to come to her, and I go towards her easily. Once I stood before she smiled at me.

"Want to sit beside me when we have the televised program?" She asks me.

"Yes please, that'd be nice. I hope they aren't having assigned seats because that's not going to work for me. I'll try to trade seats if they are assigned." I state very firmly, balling my hands into fists.

I take notice of Maximus making his way towards our backstage area. He spoke to...Zelda Ell - I believe it was - first. It just seemed like he was trying to comfort anyone before the program.

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