twenty eight

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three years later...

"Tell me what you want Arlo." I say to him. He points back at the book on the table, then looks back at me.

Clemmie and Eve stayed quiet, waiting for Arlo to talk. It was his turn to choose the book I read for them tonight. Except it was starting to become apparent to me...he doesn't really talk.

"Say what book you want Arlo." I say one more time, and he point at the book again. "If Clemmie and Eve can say what they want, why won't you?"

Arlo gets up from the bed now, rushing towards the book. He tries to reach for it, but he wasn't tall enough.

"Pwee...pwee, mama?" Arlo begs with words, and Clemmie starts to whine.

"Arlo hurry up!" Eve snaps at him.

"Arlo just say 'This book please, mommy.' It's not that hard." I say again to him, and he lips start to try and form words. Except he just started whining.

"Mama...mama..." He whined, reaching for me now and I point at the book.

"Say 'This book please, mommy.' - or Clemmie gets to choose the book tonight." I found myself snapping at him too.

That immediately caused me to see Arlo start to whimper. His eyes becoming watery and his lips trembled. Before I could relax him he was crying loudly.

"WAAAAAH!" He cried, and I began to see Maximus open the door connected to the room. Seeing him cry, he frowned as Finn ran to him.

Maximus picked him, hugging his body and looking at me as if I was the bad guy... Which I was.

"What's wrong Arlo?" Maximus asks him, and I see Arlo look over his shoulder at me. The look he gave me told me he was genuinely hurt and I could tell he didn't want to exactly speak to me.

"Mama...yell." He told Maximus who just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did you yell at Finny? You don't have to yell at him." Maximus scolds me and I sigh.

These three were my lucky triplets...the kids I wasn't supposed to have. Yet here they are, and I snapped at Arlo. I'm a horrible-.

"Don't talk down on yourself." Maximus shakes his head and I sigh.

"Yeah mama, no talk down, I forgive." Arlo says quite quickly. We look at him curiously as it began to be obvious that he just chooses what he wants to say. When it came to things he wanted it was usually handed to him by us or his sisters.

Now I know...not to do that as much.

I suddenly feel Maximus' hand rest on my shoulder, and I look at him. I could tell he wanted to talk as he set Arlo down and he rushed over to his sisters to play on their beds.

He pulled me over to a corner as he cradled my face.

"What's the matter?"

I look at him, glancing over at Arlo as he looked so happy. I didn't want...any of their innocent smiles to be dimmed by differentiation guesses or judgement. I don't want them to deal with that yet and I want them to be strong so that no one has to assume.

"I just don't want Arlo to go through what I went through. I don't want any of them to go through what I went know?" I admit, and I see Maximus nod softly. "Do you, really?"

He began to shake his head no awkwardly, causing me to snort.

"I need to relax," His hands ran up my shoulders, causing me to sigh in relief, "They're close to turning three, they're still toddlers even then! I don't have anything to worry about. There's also nothing wrong with them being informed about such a thing, as long as it's not what they put their full focus on. That being an Alpha, Omega, or Beta really matters, it doesn't. Don't stress about it, I'm not stressing."

He smirks, stepping back as he shrugs calmly. I look at him in shock because I could never get over how good of a father he was.

When I found out I was even pregnant, it was shocking. After being told by so many...that I couldn't have kids, then to have kids? Not just a child, but three all at once?!

They're mouthes were instantly shut then.

All those people that said I couldn't have kids because I was a Beta... Well, I did have kids.

"It's hard...not to stress about their futures. What they'll be, what they'll become, how they'll be, how they'll become... I don't want them to experience what I experienced, they can have better." I murmur, looking over at them as they laughed about something silly.

They're happiness was my happiness and I can't afford seeing those smiles dissipate from their faces.

I remember the days they were born. I was a was hard not to be. Because then I loved someone more than I have ever loved someone before.

Yes, I loved Maximus; but this was different.

I mean...I think that goes without saying.

"Just...don't stress about it. Go with the flow." He insists to me, and I sigh shakily.

It was do that. Going with the flow wasn't what I was necessarily comfortable with. Except I...have to, because I can never predict the future. I don't know what's to come and things change. babies will change too.

They won't be two forever...

"Hey, you three," I grin, looking over at them as they settled down instantly, "it's time to go to bed. Sleep sleeps."

Maximus and I walk over to their bed since they all liked to sleep in the same bed. Tucking them in and getting them under their blankets, we grin down at their precious faces.

"Arlo, Eve, Clementine...we love you." Maximus and I say at the same time to them, and they smile up at us.

"We love you too." They say in unison, causing them to start mumbling to each other who loved who more. So cute...all of them.

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