Part 1

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Gogy was bullied for being tiny 🥺🥺 wilby called him an eeny weany teeny weeny shriveled little short dick man don't don't don't don't

Gogy has no house and is very poor, his parents are very homophobic.

gogy 🥺🥺🥺 walked through the big scary halls with his book clutches tightly in his arms, i'm so short gogy sighed. He wasn't looking where he was going since his emo bangs were covering his sight, that's when he ran into Da Baby HIS CRUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!111 he looked up at da baby's beuttiful (yuh spelling) face, he hadn't even noticed he was staring until da baby said "LETS GOOOOOO" Gogy could feel himself turning bright red he quickly turned away as he didn't want to be seen and get called a sussy baka for the 10th time this week. DaBaby then grabbed Greg's shoulder and said "LESGO (HA please go on a date with me Gogy woggy)" Greg said yes :pleading_face:

edit: none of us support DaBaby's actions, this story was written before he turned out to be a horrible person. making fun of diseases and being homophobic is not cool. but hey if we're writing any fanfiction about a homophobe at least it's a gay fanfiction! ;) 

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