Part 4 (Tragic Ending)

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TW: Suicide

george and ninja have been dating for a few weeks now and gogy had never been happier he skips joyfully back from the grocery store to make his love ninya a sandwich, but when he opened the door he was met with an unpleasant surprise lazarbeam, nijas ex, was sitting on nijas lap making out with him. george immediately dropped the grocery bag a spedran away from the house he once called home (dudududuudd) he lets his feet take him anywhere to emotionally destroyed to function properly when he finally noticed where he was i was almost at the edge of a very tall building. george took a deep breath before turning on his favorite song tokyo drifting by glass animals. he did the hockie pokie and the marcareana for a final time before throwing himself off the structure like a grace ful swan


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