Part 3

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gogy was in shock, he ran out of the bathroom crying. He didn't know where he was running but he just kept going. (he a runner he a trackstar) After running for what felt like ages he ended up in the gym, it was empty. Groggy sat on the bleachers and continued to sob, he was truly #brocken </3.

"Hey, are you okay?" he heard a voice from above him. He looked through his emo bangs to see the school's best basketball player, Ninja. Nina sat next to Greg on the bench. Grog shook his head violently as he started to rant about his boy troubles. The more he spoke the angrier the taller blueberry head got at the ones who had hurt his poor Goggy Woggy. Ninta had had a crush on the shorter since the 4th grade and hated to see him always be stuck in bad relationships. Ninja didn't know how to respond to make the emo feel better except embrace him. Goggy Woggy didn't expect it but gratefully accepted it, deep down inside he knew he had feelings for Nina but he couldn't cause he was straight not gay even after dating only men for all of his relationships. Plus Ninja would never like him back. The taller let go of the hug and stood up.

"Come on, let's go shawty" they skipped out of the gym together, not before pointing at all the fire alarms and yelling 'SUS OH MY GOD SUSSY IMPOSTER SUSSY BAKA AAAAAAAAA'. suddenly george tripp's and nina lands on gogy in a very suggestive position (which makes no sense bc they were side by side a second ago but like PEMDAS or some shit) ninja decided to shoot his shot bc better now then never, he leaned in until he felt lips against his and YUHHHHH NOW THEYRE MAKING OUT AND SHJT.

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