boobs (bonus chapter)

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karl was small uwu fragile  soft boy and sapnap was feirce angry big muscle red
neck boy. YUHHHH.  they went on to school one day to find their bestie dave sitting all alone. karl rushed over worried for his bestie "omg dave bestie are you okay bestie 😧😧😧" sapnap rolled over like an armadillo equally worried for dave, "DAVE U GOOD BRO" dav looked up at the pair sollemely "i'm so lonely" he sighs. karl helps dave up and the walk to the park near the highschool sapnap rolling beside them. "so dave bestie tell me bestie what's making you feel this way bestie🥺🥺" dave winces as sapnap rolled over his foot "dream has  stoped talking to me ever since he met da baby", "oh shit dave bestie, im sorry bestie". sapnap finally decides to stop rolling around and stands up like a normal human "i have and idea to make us all feeling better" he says. "LETS HAVE A SLEEP OVER, EAT CANDY, DO DRUGS, AND BURN DOWN PRESCHOOLS" they all cheered in usion.
———time skip———-
once at karl's house
they all decide to watch a horror movie before going out to slaughter children.
deciding on elmo's world they shift to get comfortable
during and extremely scary part karl snuggles up against sap naps arm
this sight makes dave want to die so he goes to the bathroom
ten minutes later he walks into to the living room just to see karl and sapnap making out on the couch
engulfed by rage and jealousy because no one loved dave he took the arson supplies they were going to use for the preschool and set the house on fire
dave then climbed into the oven and sat there thinking about life.

End of karlnap+dave pov and probably all three of their lives as well.

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