The Angel Awakens the Ice

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The golden ship finally arrived, conveying transformed elemental beings.  In order to avoid getting detected all of them had to change their form with the help of the Elegorn and the Scepter of Esther. 

The red jet-black hair of Emilia turned to ash white. She was transformed and given a false identity as a lawyer. While Carlos San Jose transformed into a scholarly-looking man. Someone who looked like a man of science. His image transformation was suited to help them blend in and enter the medical and healthcare facilities that are presently controlled and owned by the Illuminati. Then his left arm suddenly had a snake tattoo on it. Hidden on his sleeves.  Marcy and Greg Montenaro took on the shape of teenagers- they would act as the children of Carlos and Emilia. They were given fake Identification IDs, and their digital identities were updated- with the aid of Carlos San Jose's reptilian humanoid ( the good ones)contacts back in Dunch City. 

From Dunch City, they traveled by private plane towards California. Where the headquarters of the Mariavatrix Illuminati were located. Due to their natural alchemy powers, they were able to realize that Antonia Octavia was missing- they came up with a strategic plan to find Antonia Octavia to rescue her. 

Carlos San Jose selected special agents back on earth. He was prepared for every scenario. Due to the extensive knowledge and research by his own team of scientists, clinicians, and digital specialists as well as Data Scientists- they were aware of the cunning plans of the Mariavatrix Illuminati, and long-established a base back on Antarctica- hidden within plain sight and remains hidden and far from the influence of the Illuminati. 

Carlos San Jose had been alive for thousands of years, and was a member of a Secret Order of Blue Blood Assassins- so despite half of the world is already manipulated and controlled he had bases that Emilia and the group can use to re-group.  The Luxe Societas- was formed by an Elite Group of Blue blood who swore to protect humanity. And when the group went back on earth, they had 5 remaining trusted allies that worked on the bases and a community composed of 444 individuals spread throughout the world to assist on various earth-based missions. These individuals were trained since they were young, in the ways of the Elite, the elementals, and further study of Alchemy. The same lessons are given to Emilia Cherovi when she first met Carlos- only that Emilia Cherovi was naturally inclined to upgrade and know more.  Some of the highly trusted elite leaders are teenagers and one young child only 8 years old named Dylan Anthony. At a young age, they are already trained to program robots, operate sophisticated weaponry. Trained in every way to be better than Monarchs and Tzars who rained in the history of humans. 

One of the most important bases established by Luxe Societas headed by Carlos San Jose- is found in the Antarctic.

It is believed, that there is a hidden army of Angelic Legion forces of Light- 5,000 frozen statues that would turn to flesh and blood once inhabited by the Angelic forces headed by Archangel Michael.  His research team spent massive hours trying to locate and pinpoint the exact location where this Hidden Army of Light it. But it is said, that only Archangel Michael can make this army move- in the prophesied time as plotted by the Supreme One of the Universe. 

In 1928 Carlos San Jose together with his team, were navigating Antarctica- which was a frozen plain of endless white in the middle of the highest, windiest, driest, coldest, and most mysterious continent on earth. Using a  combination of advanced satellites, probing radar, and lasers powered by gemstones, they were able to locate a buried medieval castle surrounded by a small lake. This is where they started to put up a hidden base that operated till this very day.  Not only that, they found a lot of hidden mysteries.

After 3 years of consecutive testing, drilling and probing, they chanced upon an area where there is very thin ice, one of their elite mountaineers fell into it, leading them to see very thin ice in the middle of an ice sheet. During the rescue, their team noticed that there are mountains there much to their amazement. 

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