
545 18 6

Felix: dad? dad don't be mad please

felixs dad walked up to them and looked at them both. he looked and felix in the eyes and then at hyunjin as if he were confused.

Felixs dad: i knew it

Felix: huh?

Felixs dad: no wonder you haven't had a girlfriend

Felix: wait so you're not mad?

Felix's dad: well i'm not fond of the idea but what can i do about it right?

hyunjin couldn't help but smile seeing felixs eyes brighten.


he yelled crashing into his dads arms.

felixs dad lightly chuckled.

Felixs dad: relax son why would i hate you? you're my son aren't you?

Felix: i am i am!!

felix pressed his cheek into his dads chest smiling so wide.

his dad turned to hyunjin and motioned for him to come and pry felix off of him.

Hyunjin: ah!

he went up to them and pulled felix off gently.

Hyunjin: awkward question but, why did you seem so mad earlier?

Felixs dad: his mom forced me to go out and get food because she burned something and didnt want to remake it

Hyunjin: ah..well i-i should get going

Felixs dad: you can stay over for dinner! im sure i brought enough food for us

Felix: dad turn around

felixs dad turned around and looked at the spilt food on the floor and made a "😬" face.

Felixs dad: oh yeah i forgot you guys caught me off guard..

he laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

Felixs dad: your moms gonna kill me

Felix: no she wont! since hyunjin will be over she'll be more than happy to make food right?

Felixs dad: she has to meet him first

hyunjin and felix looked at each other and laughed nervously.

Felix: uh..mom already met hyunjin earlier..

Felixs dad: and you didnt tell me?

Felix: we thought you'd react badly

Felixs dad: so you were keeping secrets from me?

Felix: no...okay yeah

the older man chuckled and started to walk toward the front door motioning for them to follow.

felix took hyunjins hand and walked in together and were greeted with the smell of freshly cooked food.

Felixs mom: hyunjin! hi sweetie! are you having dinner with us?

Hyunjin: oh-i-uh

Felix: mhm! he is!

Hyunjin: only if you're okay with it!

Felixs mom: of course i am! sit down sit down!

felixs mom pulled a chair for hyunjin to sit in.

Felixs dad: so you're telling me that you made food while i went out to get frickin mcdonald's because you felt like it?!

Felixs mom: mhm! i knew you'd eat it all on the way here or do something stupid so i just decided to make food again

Felixs dad: all that time spent on going to get fast food for nO DAMN REASON

felix and his mom started to laugh and made fun of the mans anger. the kind woman served food for everyone at the table including herself.

they had dinner normally and when they finished hyunjin decided that he had to get home.

Hyunjin: thank you so much mr. and mrs. lee the food was delicious!

Felixs mom: it's no problem sweetie! thank you for having dinner with us!

Felixs dad: yeah what she said!

hyunjin chuckled and looked over at felix.

Felix: you're leaving already?

Hyunjin: it's getting late love i have to go for tonight

Felix: okay jinnie let me walk you to your car

hyunjin nodded and thanked felixs parents one more time and walked out with felix holding his arm.

Felix: im so glad my parents accepted us

Hyunjin: me too love.

they arrived to hyunjins car.

Hyunjin: i love you lixie i'll see you tomorrow yeah?

Felix: i love you more and yes!

hyunjin walked to the drivers side of the car and got in when felix knocked on the window. he rolled down the windows.

Felix: we really have to talk to aera it's been too long and the more we wait could ruin our friendship

Hyunjin: you're right. maybe we can make plans with her tomorrow?

Felix: yeah i'll text her tonight

Hyunjin: okay lix i'll see you tomorrow

Felix: ok jinnie! be careful love you!

Hyunjin: i will and i love you too!

felix smiled and waved as hyunjin drove off.

Felix under his breath: shit we really have to figure out this situation.


(i didn't proofread this💀💀)
this chapter is so short im sorry😭😭

i suck at updating bruh i started school again in july and it's been stressing me tf out BSSKSJNEN im on fall break now though so im hoping to write more!! im also kinda running outta ideas for this story so it's gonna get boring so fast im so sorry i promise i'll have better ones soon! anyways thank you so much for reading this far <3


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