♡︎𝚂𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝙴𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚎𝚜♡︎

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     They hated each other. Sworn enemies. They both liked the same girl. Yun Aera. Aera meaning love. Felix started to like her in freshman year of high school. She was not as popular then. He had no friends because he had transferred from Australia. Everyone thought he was a weird foreign exchange student. Some 'popular' kids walked up to him and tripped him. He broke a pinky from falling right ontop of it. Yun Aera walked up to him and helped him to the nurses office. She had picked up all of his stuff that fell out of his arms. They became best friends and Felix eventually started to fall for her. Whereas Hyunjin met her because they were assigned as partners. They were doing an assignment together and they became a lot closer during this time. Hyunjin started to fall for her amazing personality and stunning looks. Both of them knew that she had been friends with a lot of people but she hung out with them the most. They came to meet when Aera had a party.

(Junior Year in Highschool)

Yun Aera: Lix! I'm having a party at 8 pm tonight! My parents are out of town for a few days please come!

Felix: I don't know I don't really want to be crowded around by so many people plus you're my only friend!

Yun Aera: Cmon! I'll be with you all night I won't leave you behind! Plus I'll only invite a few people!

Felix looked at her and gave her an annoyed face.

Yun Aera: Cmon don't be like that if you don't come my entire night will be ruined.

Felix: Ughhhh fine. But you better keep your word.

Aera smiled and squealed.

Yun Aera: AHH! YAY!! I'm gonna go tell other people see you later Lix!

Felix: Mhm yeah.

Felix knew Aera would leave him behind. She's the life of the party! Obviously she'd try and go hang out with other people.

Felix in his mind: Why'd I say that? I know that she's gonna be running around and talking to a lot of people. Ughhh I already know I'm gonna be so uncomfortable.

He walked off to his AP Calculus Class.

(Yun Aera with Hyunjin)

Yun Aera: Jinnie! I'm having a party tonight! Can you come? I'm only inviting a few people!

Hyunjin: Hell yeah! You know I'm there! What time?

Yun Aera: At 8:00pm!

Hyunjin: I'll be there! And I'll bring some drinks!


Aera gave him a hug of excitement.

Hyunjin in his mind: She smells like flowers I wish she'd like me more than a friend..AHA! Maybe if I do a lot for her she'll fall for me too?

Yun Aera: Alright! I'll see you there I have to get to class now and you know what I like so please bring it!!

Hyunjin: I know! It was first on my list!

Aera started walking to her class and waved at him. Hyunjin waved back and sighed.

Hyunjin mumbles under his breath: I wish you liked me.

♥︎𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎♡ | 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now