♡𝚂𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚎♡︎

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They saw her kissing some random dude. Both of their stomachs dropped. They felt a knot form in their throats. felix turned around and grabbed his things.

Hyunjin: where are you going?

Felix: home. there's no reason for me to be here.

Hyunjin: so that's all? you're just gonna leave?

Felix: yeah.

Hyunjin: wow..

Felix: shut up. you don't even know me. why are you judging me..you were one of those kids that made fun of me. you don't think i remember?

Hyunjin: what do you mean..?

Felix: *Chuckles* don't play dumb. you know who i am.

Hyunjin: im not playing dumb i really don't know who you are.

Felix: yeah okay. if you really don't then let's keep it that way.

Felix started to walk out. he had to walk home. no, he doesn't have a car yet but he is learning..barely. when he started to walk off he heard Hyunjin yell for him.

Hyunjin: FELIX!! Wait! do you want to be friends?

Felix: I'd rather die than be your friend.

Hyunjin was left shocked. felix walked home. it's not far. only a 15 minute walk. hyunjin watched felix walk away.

Hyunjin mumbles: i do remember you aussie boy.

Felix talking to himself: I know for a fact he remembers me. I hate him and will always hate him no matter what. he likes the same girl i do and used to bully me. the dumbass. tryna be friends yeah right.

(when they got home-Felix)

when felix got home that night he took a hot shower. he needed to think. he was in there for a while. his parents thought he was doing something bad because of how long he was in there. they broke in to see him barely washing the shampoo out of his hair.

Felix: Mom! Dad! what are you doing?! couldnt you hear me taking a shower?!

His dad: We thought something was happening! why were you in here for so long?! making zero noise?! we were worried.

Felix: well now that you saw that i'm okay can you please ya know...exit?!

His mom: alright..yeah just promise me you're not doing anything bad. i read a newspaper today about a boy that overdosed while his parents thought he was showering.

Felix: i promise. i would never do anything like that.

His mom: okay. if you need anything please talk to us. we love you.

Felix: i love you both too.

when his parents walked out he got back to thinking. about Aera. and Hyunjin. The kiss. could it have been just because she was drunk and not thinking right? or a dare? or did she actually catch feelings..

Felix: im done thinking about it. i'm done with everything. i just want to go to sleep.

he finished showering, got changed and looked for something to eat. he decided on cereal. then he went to bed.

(when they got home-Hyunjin)

he got home pretty late since he stayed at the party. he wanted to make sure that Aera would be alright. she was pretty wasted so he wasn't worrying about the kiss. when everyone left someone stayed behind. the guy Aera kissed wanted him to leave.

♥︎𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎♡ | 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now