
685 31 20

felix walked inside and helped his mom tidy up. as soon as he finished he went to his room and grabbed his phone off the charging cable since he let it charge while they were having dinner.

{4 new messages from "aera❤️"}

Felix: shit


>lixieee where have you beennn
>we should hang out with jinnie

>hellooo?? are you ignoring me?

>felixxx answer me i'm so bored helloooooo??

oh shit i'm so sorry aera i was busy<
but yeah we should hang out w hyunjin<

>ugh finally that only took you an hour

im sorryyy<

>you're fine anyway i'm free tomorrow hbu?

yeah i'm free but what abt hyunjin?<

>since when did you care abt him😭😭

oh lmao i was just asking<

>lol okay i'll ask him now if you want

yeah that's cool lmk what time<

>lix why aren't you being as lovey as b4?

huh? wdym?<

>you used to text me all lively and stuff b4 but now ur pretty dry???

oh sorry i'm kinda outta it atm<

>oh okay well if anything's going on remember i'm always here for you

yeah ik :)<

>i'll go ask jinnie now


Felix thinking: why am i kinda mad seeing aera call hyunjin jinnie?

-Hyunjins pov-

when i got home i greeted my parents and didn't give them an explanation as to why i was gone. they don't really care where i go or who i date; they just want me to be home before they go to bed so that they know i'm safe. they care about me but they don't care about what's going on in my life if that makes any sense. i headed up to my room and plopped myself on my bed. i hadn't checked my phone since i got to lixs house so i did that.

{5 new messages from "aera"}
{2 new messages from "my love❤️"}


>i miss you and lix we should hanggg

>are you ignoring me too??
>felix won't answer either :((

♥︎𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎♡ | 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚕𝚒𝚡Where stories live. Discover now