Biology Teacher [5]

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As usual, classes went by. This time round, Lisa finds herself dozing off during Biology class.

This teacher wasn't half as attractive as her old Biology teacher, and that sucked. The consistent sound of Chaeyoung's pencil hitting her notebook was just helping Lisa fall asleep faster.

"Lisa, could you tell the class what is the function of the Aqueous Humour?" The teacher called her out.

The girl's eyes opened immediately, and she shot her head up. Jesus Christ, how great.

Luckily for her, the topic of the Mammalian's Eye was already covered in her old school.


"Stand up and project your voice please," the teacher interrupted, unimpressed.

Lisa rolled her eyes and stood up, "It helps to refract light into the lens of the eye so we can see."

The Biology teacher nodded, a little impressed and Lisa sank back down into her seat. Chaeyoung turned over to the younger girl, "She didn't even teach that yet, how did you even know?"

"Learnt it in my old school," Lisa responded smugly.

Chaeyoung nodded in comprehension.

"Park Chaeyoung," the Biology teacher called out. The Australian effectively shut up and looks up. "Quit talking and listen up," she said sternly.

Lisa frowned at the young lady standing in front. She felt disgusted by her teaching style, oddly.

Maybe because she had a thing for her old Biology teacher, and nobody could compare to her beloved Miss Brooks.

The Thai girl turned to look at Chaeyoung, who seemed to be a little affected by what the teacher had said.

She waited till the end of class to ask Chaeyoung. For now, she'll just have to live through torture.

Biology lesson ended, Lisa reached out to grab Chaeyoung's wrist, "Are you okay?"

The older girl looked innocently at Lisa, "Yeah? I'm fine, don't worry." She did sound fine, which made Lisa dismiss any thoughts.

"Okay great."

Jisoo and Jennie turned around, signalling for them to leave for their break.

"Park Chaeyoung, stay behind please," the teacher said. Lisa noticed Chaeyoung swallowing a little harder before uttering a 'Yes Miss Yoon.'

The two older girls walked along the hallway but Lisa's head was somewhere else, seemingly left in the classroom.

"Hey I think I'll stay behind and wait for Chaeng," Lisa said.

Jennie nodded but Jisoo shakes her head, "Don't."

"Why?" Lisa questioned.

Jisoo stalled, before she blinked and said, "Uh Miss Yoon doesn't really like it."

Lisa rolled her eyes, "You know I really dislike Miss Yoon? Whatever I'll just go back. You two go ahead."

Lisa separated from the pair and she walked back to class. Just before she entered the class, she could hear the older girl's voice.

"What's your issue?" Chaeyoung sounded so angry.

"You know I hate it when you talk to other people," the teacher responded.

A huff followed, "So I can't even talk to my friends? Who the hell do you think you are?"

Lisa was taken aback by how Chaeyoung was speaking to a teacher. Even though Lisa didn't like the teacher, with all due respect, she wouldn't speak like that.

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