Everything Happens For A Reason [28]

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"Ro what?" Lisa questioned, not believing her ears.

Yun Hyung narrowed her eyes at her, "Rosé...?"

Lisa wanted to revoke her card now. She didn't want to work here, no she didn't. She's not ready to see Rosé, she'd just cry her heart out if she saw her.

"Can I return my staff card?" Lisa asked.

Yun Hyung frowned, "Are you insane?"

"I can't do this!" Lisa exclaimed.

Yun Hyung was confused, "Why?"

"Okay, wait. What's her name?" Lisa asked to be sure it was Park Chaeyoung they were talking about.

Yun Hyung blinked, "Park Chaeyoung?"

Oh fuck me.

So it was Park Chaeyoung. The Rosie that she loved so dearly.

"No way," Lisa breathed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier!" she questioned loudly.

"I couldn't just reveal a trainee like that? She's about to debut!" Yun Hyung replied as loud.

"But! Ugh! She's that ex but not ex!" Lisa exclaimed frustratedly.

Yun Hyung's mouth widened, "She's... fruity?"

Lisa nearly gasped at how insensitive Yun Hyung was being, "I'm literally regretting my life and you're worrying about whether or not she's gay?"

"Sorry, can't help it. She's very attractive," Yun Hyung said.

Jealousy slithered into Lisa's heart like a snake. So venomous, so poisonous.

Yun Hyung realises what she said, "Oh— I am sorry."

Lisa sighed, "What she does is none of my business anyway. When is she gonna come back?"

Yun Hyung shrugged, "Don't know. I'm just her dance instructor."

Lisa gulped. She wanted to ask something, but it felt wrong. 

She couldn't help it anyway.

"Could you... send me pictures of her when you're with her?"

Yun Hyung laughed out loud, "You're a stalker."

"Please! I just want to see how she's doing!" Lisa defended herself.

"Fine fine. I'll see what I can do," Yun Hyung agreed. "Anyway, I hope you have fun with Jessi tomorrow. She's a really crazy party animal, just a heads up."

Lisa couldn't stop thinking about how life is screwing her over. How coincidental. Everything does happen for a reason.

But now Rosé's even more untouchable. It was almost a taboo for a dancer to date an idol. It's like a frog wishing they could marry the princess.

At least that sets the line clear.

"Ah. I really wish that you would've told me earlier Yun Hyung."

"And let you slip on the chance? No!" Yun Hyung exclaimed.

Lisa sighed again. How would she face Rosé when she was back in Korea? For all she knew, Rosé already forgotten all about her.


"Ah hello Yun Hyung unnie," Rosé greeted.

"I'm heading over now," Yun Hyung said.

Rosé sighed, "I'll see you tomorrow unnie."

She actually didn't really like dancing. It wasn't something she was particularly interested in, but she was good at it.

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