Never Have I Ever Part 2 [16]

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Chaeyoung scrambled to put on her bra and shirt on after Lisa had released the cuffs on her.

"Chaeyoung! I'm coming in if you don't open the door now!" Alice yelled outside the Aussie's room.

Lisa panicked as hard as Chaeyoung did, helping the older girl cover up.

"Give me a second please! I'm in the bathroom!" Chaeyoung yelled back, lying. "Lisa would you please just place the guitar on the bed and pretend we were just playing it together?" Chaeyoung whispered. Lisa complied.

The older girl rushed to the door and unlocked it, "What's up unnie? Why the rush?"

Alice shoved her way through the small gap and into the room, stopping when she saw Lisa sitting on the bed with a guitar set down on the mattress opposite her.

"Hello unnie," Lisa greeted in a sheepish smile. She still couldn't quite recover from everything that happened just a moment before Alice decided to knock the door.

Alice raised her brows, "Hello Lisa." She turned to Rosé by the door, "Why did you have to lock the door to play the guitar?"

The latter panicked, "I uh— So the noise wouldn't be as loud! You know how loud the guitar can be, didn't want to disturb everyone."

"Mm hmm..." Alice narrowed her eyes at the two girls. "So what song were you playing?"

Rosé blanked out, but luckily for her, Lisa was around, "Hot Girl Bummer. You know how much cursing that song has." She laughed to try and mask Chaeyoung's obviously worried look.

Alice seemed to be rather convinced by it. I mean, Chaeyoung's walls weren't that thin after all.

"Okay have fun you two," she said before slipping out the room.

Chaeyoung heaved a big sigh of relief while Lisa's panic chokes her up. She didn't know what to say about what just happened between them because they didn't even establish anything.

"Since you have your guitar... Could you play a song for me?" Lisa asked softly, completely sounding like a different person from that wild girl just a few moments back.

Rosé smiled softly at her, "Let me take a shower first. I am still sticky and sweaty from you know what."

Lisa blushes. She never thought that Chaeyoung would talk about it so openly. Turns out she was wrong about Rosé. The older girl places a small kiss on Lisa's cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

The Thai girl breathed in and out, examining Chaeyoung's room— everything that just happened, it won't ever leave Lisa's head. All she wished was that Chaeyoung wouldn't regret it and just call them girlfriends already.

She really really really liked Chaeyoung, and it wasn't just because of sex. Her heart is so full of the older girl— she couldn't forget about her for a second in the day.

Chaeyoung showered quick, entering the room fully dressed. She took a sit on the bed with Lisa, picking up her guitar and flashing Lisa a small smile.

"What do you want me to play for you?" Chaeyoung questioned softly, seemingly shy.

Lisa hummed, "Play Yellow by Coldplay."

Rosé complied. That song was a beautiful song— a song about loving someone so much you'd bleed yourself dry.

Her fingers worked their magic on the strings, strumming chords so perfectly.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you..."

Lisa was lovestruck once Chaeyoung started to sing. She had the voice of an angel, the kind of angel who escorts you to Heaven after you've died, reassuring you that you'll be safe and happy in Paradise.

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