Chapter 16 : Disavowed

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Since months, I had put my body and soul in my research to save Elisa, but in vain. I am still missing one element to synthesize the cure that'll save her life. But I just can't find it. At the request of Mac, and for Mattéo, I spend a lot less time in the lab and when I am in there, Jack takes care of Mattéo and Amber when the babysitter can't.

On her side, Elisa seems to be so much better. The trial is very promising and her doctor, choose by Matty because he's a spy too, told her that she could take over the missions but only the less dangerous ones.

I'm in the lab with Bozer when Leanna comes saying that Matty would like to see me. I'm going in right now because it's better to not let Matty wait. I don't wanna die.

~In the crisis room~

Matty had brought Mac, Jack, Liam, Riley, Elisa and myself together for a mission. I wasn't very enthioustic about the leaving in mission of Elisa, but whatever she had have the right to do this by her doctor.

Matty (showing us a picture on the big screen) : Meet Olivia Prior, member of Dutch Parliament, known for championing education reform and fighting government corruption.

Mac : I like her already.

Liam : Is she in trouble ?

Matty : Actually, she may be the one causing the trouble. According to the CIA, Prior has been leaking state secrets to a terrorist group.

Elisa : Any idea why she's betraying her own nation ?

Matty : No. In fact, the CIA is having trouble verifying their intel, and they won't alert the Algemene Inlichtingen-en Veiligheidsdienst until they do.

Jack (lost) : The hell is that ?

Eléa : The intelligence services of the Netherlands. We worked in close collaboration with them when we were working at the SAD.

Jack : Oh, yeah, yeah I knew it.

Matty : Let's say "Dutch Intelligence" and move on, okay ? The CIA believes that Prior will be meeting her contact tomorrow in Amsterdam.

Mac : But since sending agents to observe the meet would technically spying on a close ally ...

Riley : We get to do their dirty job.

Matty : Bingo. You are gonna record the meet and get concrete proof that Prior is an enemy agent. 

Elisa : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ....... Record ?! So no black bag, no interrogation. Just surveillance ? 

Matty : Observe and report. Nothing more. More, I remind you, Elisa, that you are sick.

Elisa : I have the green light from the doctors.

Matty : For the less dangerous missions only, so here it is.

Jack gloats and sit down on one of the sofa in the crisis room.

Liam : Why is he so happy about ?

Mac : Jack loves surveillance ops. He's got an inflatable butt pillow. It's a whole thing.

Jack : Hey, this is the closest thing you're ever gonna get to a vacation around here, all right ? You park the van, you sit back, you relax and you watch Riley press record.

Riley : Well, actually, Jack, it's not as simple as just (mimes the move)

Jack : Yeah, Riley, I'm sure there's a lots of cool computer stuff, too, okay ? My point is, no fistfights, no running, and no getting shot at. I'm in.

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