Chapter 5 : end of mission

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POV Mac 

We walk to a little village that is next to the power station and on the road, we see everything what population left behind them (playground, swing, ...). When Jack started to talk about powers that radiations will give us, even if it's scientifically impossible.

Jack : You, Mac, you're going to develop telekinesis. You're almost already Professor X. You, Eléa, you'll can heal everyone just by touching them. And you Riley, it will be invisibility.

Riley : Ok, why inivisibility ?

Jack : Because it goes with your personality, I don't know, it's not an exact science.

Eléa : It's not a science at all. Radiations don't give you superpowers, they kill you.

Jack : You can't prove that it's not possible.

Mac : I'm pratically sure we can prove you that's not possible, but maths will put you to sleep after 3 seconds, so ...

Jack agreed and kept to talk about all and nothing but especially about radiations in this place. We're at the end of the tire track and we find the entrance of a villaage's street (completely desert). Then, Jack sneezed again making all us flinch.

Riley : Jack ! After everything you've been through in your career, you have a pollen allergy ?

Jack : Eh, eh. I tell you that pollen has been accumulating for more than 30 years in this city.

Eléa : Well, and what do we do now ? There are no more tire track and look where we are. He can't be here, after the reactor explosion, every city that were around have been evacuated.

We continue to walking in the street of this city really terrifying when it's desert.

Jack : Why does my Spider sense tells me that someone observes us right now ?

Riley : Well, maybe that your real superpower it's just ... paranoïa ?

Jack : Yeah, that's it, laugh at me, but you'll laugh less when Tcheuds will come in.

Riley : Tcheuds ?

Jack : Yeah Riley, it's a movie, a classic. It's talking about humanoids cannibals that live in the sewers.

Eléa : Wait a minute. It bothers me to admit it, but I think Jack's right.

Jack : You see ? She saw the movie.

Eléa : No. Not the movie. Watch this, what's doing a camera made 3 or 4 years ago in a city supposed to be abandoned for 30 years ?

Jack : The technological advance of mutants. We're srewed.

We decide to come in the building to see this closer and we discover that a group of geeks are there to play in video games because it makes more real. We ask them if they wouldn't have seen a car with Sergeï in there but they don't want to answer us unless Jack give them his Beowulf ring and his leather bracelet. The young geek tells us that Sergeï has probably been brought in the base of the "monsters" and certainly dead. After this interesting talk, we go toward the place that the geek showed us.

We discover a kind of shed where we can see cans of radioactive waste. At this moment, we see a car arriving and Sergeï come out, alive. We call Matty to have more informations and she says us that after the reports of the CIA, it shouldn't have activity in this area of the city. Then, she shows us via Riley's tablet by where we're going to enter to save Sergeï. After meeting the geeks, she searched in their clouds informations useful and found a video made by one of the geeks trying to enter in the building and she shows it. And then, Matty recognizes someone she know.

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