Chapter 17 : Re-avowed

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POV Jack

We decided to seperate in 2 groups : Mac, Elisa and I in one, and Riley and Liam in another. Well, it looks like Mac's little glasses are going their thing. All quiet on the Western Front, and as soon as I said this, Mac retakes and corrects me.

Mac : I guess it's not really time for a geography lesson, isn't it ? 

Jack : No, not really. But it's time for talking about something else. Like Eléa's pregnancy, for example. 

Mac : Need to send Riley the all-clear.

Jack : Are you listening to me or you really don't care ?

Mac : Ok, listen. I love Mattéo and I love Eléa, alright ?

Elisa : But you don't want any children with her ?

Mac : No, that's not that. It's just that, ... I'm scared, ok ! We're doing difficult and dangerous jobs and I clearly see how Eléa is worried about Mattéo when we're on mission or when he's not feeling good. And I don't know if I'm ready to be so worry. I'm scared, but I pretend not to be. She's already worried enough.

Jack : I'm sure you'd be a great dad.

Mac : Thanks, Jack.

Elisa : Yeah. Well, ... disavowed ?

Mac : Not my favorite. 

Jack : And I know this gig doesn't last forever, but I always thought  I'd get shot or hit by a missile or fall into a nuclear reactor... Some real blaze-of-glory stuff, you know ? But having my career end like this, it's ... it's kind of embarrassing.

Elisa : It's embarrassing and it's temporary. We'll fix this.

Jack : What if we can't ?

Mac : We've been through worse. Riley's been taking care of herself since she was 16, Liam has a hard head and, you, Elisa ...

Jack : You, you're badass.

Elisa : Stop your bullshit, Jack.

Jack : No, I'm serious. You scare me almost as much as Mac does when he's thinking.

Mac : But it's Eléa I'm worried about. If anything happens to her, I can't forgive myself.

Elisa : Hey, don't think that. She's tough, maybe the toughest of all of us ... Hum, no, Matty is number one for that.

Jack : Hey, I'm sure she's hanging in. Our 3 favorite french people have been through a lot in the last few months.

Mac (laughing) : It's really hard to take you seriously with those glasses on.

Jack (laughing) : Is it ?

Elisa (laughing) : It's really hard to take you both seriously with those glasses on.

Far away, we see Riley's tying her shoes, as well as Liam, that's the signal. We come out the map and we go to Prior's car with Riley and Liam, and we take her as "hostage" before saying her to start the car.

We arrive at an empty place to interrogate Prior about the bomb and everything else. We keep on interrogating her but she denies, even when we tell her that we has saw her. She keeps saying that she didn't know there was a bomb in the purse until she opens it. To be honest, she starts to get on my nerves. It's true, why keep on liying when the CIA already knows she's been working with terrorists. But no, she denies and she tells us about the photos and that is the only reason for what she went to this meeting. But what photos ?

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