Chapter 06

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I sat in my 4th period desk, tapping my pen gently as everyone chatted about how their summers were.

My school was one of the ones that allowed visitors during lunch and I was hoping Jayy would visit me.

When Andy learned I snuck out he flipped and refuses to let me see Jayy, so he just sneaks in my room at night and we'll do lots of things.

We've done everything from cuddling, to tickle fights, to watching movies, to prank calls, to just fucking. Jayy was just like a large teenager, and I loved that about him.

I had told him about everything that was going on at school and I refused to talk to mom or dad.

I was being bullied worse than ever and never come home without a new bruise or missing some blood that I left on the floor at school somewhere.

I was up and half way to the door when the bell rang, wanting to see him in something more than the light of the television or phone screen.

When I got to the lunchroom I saw Jayy sitting on a lunch table (side picture) and people were looking at him strangely. Probably cause he looked like he could be a new kid but he's covers in tattoos.

He had brought sandwiches and we sat at a small corner table where I always sat that could sit about 4-5 people depending on their size.

I saw my bullies and automatically cussed under my breath.

"Is that them?" He asked and I nodded.

There was the leader: Brutus, he was a chubby guy on the football team with no real muscle, just liked to act like he had some so he would surround himself with strong people, which brings me to bully #2.

Max is a buff guy that does all of Brutus' 'dirty work'. He's around 6 foot and black, doesn't let anyone but Brutus and John push him around. Not very smart but he can bench over 350 pounds so I wouldn't call him dumb or your life would be in danger.

John is the smart but tuff one. The one that inflicts the most damage yet can lie his way out of every punishment they have. Having a supply of everything from toss phones to doctors slips and teacher passes he has never been in trouble.

Then there's Jessica and her crew of blondes. Her insults hurt a lot cause she knows how to say things that will hit home with anyone, but her crew of 3 other girls just go "yeah!" And "uh huh!" Agreeing with everything she says but never says anything themselves

Jessica saw me and motioned to the other bullies. I repeatedly swore under my breath but Jayy calmed me down by taking my hand in his.

He stroked the back of my hand with his thumbs and I guess they hadn't noticed someone was with me till they got closer, and I have to say, if you didn't know of Jayy, he would look fucking terrifying, and the look he was giving them scared me just to look at.

I hated to think that if I ever did something wrong that look of hatred could be pointed at me, but I pushed that thought away and looked up to see they were just now approaching us.

You could see the guys hesitation around Jayy but he didn't seem to affect Jessica.

"We'll look who we have here~" her high pitched voice squeaked and she pushed some dyed blonde hair out of her fake 'beautiful' face that I swear I could wipe of 99% of her 'beauty' with a wet wipe.

"A faggot and his gay ass boyfriend~" she said and her friends laughed.

"You do realize I would have to be British to be a faggot and that if you use it in a different context I'm not a bundle of sticks or cigarettes either." He said, calling her out for her improper use of the word.

I just stayed quiet with a small smile on my face.

"You got something to say? Huh? Punk?" Jessica asked me, making my smile drop and I shook my head.

"Well, I do." Jayy said and put down the chip he was about to eat. "Well actually, several things.

"Why do you do this? Is it cause you think it's funny? Or is it cause you have nothing else to do?" He asked, wiping his hands on a napkin.

"I have a feeling it's cause you don't have a life. And don't you shoot back with 'we do too have a life!' Cause if you did you wouldn't be beating up Thad everyday."

He ate a chip from my Cheetos bag. "I'm sure if you actually had a problem with Thad than you would, maybe, if you were smart in the slightest bit, want to sit down and talk about it.

"But the fact that you haven't just makes you all the more..." He thought for a second and I was waiting for him to say something like 'stupid' but that word never came.

"Well, I could think of a lot of words, let's list them like you do when you bully Thad." He said and dropped the napkin he was holding.

"Ill-advised, idiotic, childish, ignorant, dence, foolish, vacuous, vapid, imbecilic, doltish, dull-witted, slow, and just plain pathetic."

They all stood there shocked. "Now, I guess you think you look 'cool' or 'hip' or 'hot' while your bullying someone, but I'm gonna let you in on something right now:"

He said and leaned in. "You don't look cool." he said bluntly. "You look like a bunch of stupid teens who's best insult is to call someone a bundle I sticks.

"So, why not, instead of scraping the bottom of whatever imaginary barrel you have to find insults to throw at someone you haven't known for a week you stop picking on the weaker man and get a fucking life!"

I had never seen Jayy this angry and it honestly scared me. since Jayy was done ranting the bullies had ran off to their lunch table with their figurative tail between their legs.

I didn't thank him, or even look at him. I was terrified.

"Hey, baby, you okay?" He asked and placed his hand on mine under the table to which I yanked mine back.

"J-Jayy... what if you ever got angry at me? Would you be that way with me?" I whispered and I saw his shoulders drop from their tense position.

"No. Baby, I would never be this rough with you..." he whispered. The bell rang and I sighed."come with me. You have your bag, I'll bring you back before 6th ends and tell the office you had a doctors appointment... please..."

I did want to miss class, but I didn't know if I could with him. But I did anyways. I nodded and he lead me out to his car.

Once we were in he drove straight to his apartment and we made no small talk, he knew I was scared of him now.

I knew how strong he was from how rough he could sometimes get in bed, and now I knew how short his temper was.

The thoughts came back and I was once again faced with the question of what would happen if I was on the other end of that death glare and strength of his.

I didn't realize I was crying till Jayy wiped my tears away when we had stopped. "Come on sweetheart, please don't cry..." he whispered and I hugged his waist tightly, dropping my head into his chest, crying some more.

He pulled me onto his lap and rubbed my back gently as he let me cry. Soon it got cold so he carried me inside and started a fire in the fireplace.

It had began to snow outside since we had recently got a cold front.

Jayy got two blankets and wrapped me up in one, putting the other around his own shoulders. We sat on the floor of his living room, my back to his chest and his leg on either side of me as he held me and let me cry till I had stopped.

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