A Solarwings guide to the tribes of the Abbit solar system

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description: These dragons can be any dark shade of black grey purple green blue or red with any colour of underbelly and scales in any pattern. these dragons have 4 wings that help them glide in low gravity. these dragons can have any colour eyes but always have blacke out sclera.

Abilites: can surive in space. can live underwater. can breathe black fire. can fly in low gravity areas. can travel at fast speeds can surive hard impacts.

Queen: Queen Spiral 

Aliances: Space travel enforcement(Novawings Solarwings Ionwings)

NSD treaty( Novawings Soundwings Dawnwings)


Description: Large Dragons that can be any shade of fire. can rarely be a light shade of blue( only happens when a total solar eclipse happens and the light from it hits the dragon egg) most have darker points/lighter points. they have yellow-orange eyes and yellow glowing blood that can burn like lava.

Abilites: Burning blood. can surive in space compleatly fireproof. can breathe green fire. some can breathe indigo fire. some can absorb sunlight. glows like firelight constaintly . give off intense heat.

Major weakness: water can turn them to stone 

Queen: Queen Promise 

Aliances: Space Travel Enforcement(Novawings Solarwings Ionwings) 

Common ansester treaty( Skywings Solarwings)


Description: Small black dragons that have Vibrant Floresent Spots and stripes. these dragons are very intelligent and have created many of the inventions you see today. these dragons have two tail spikes that are present in all known dragons of this kind.

Abiltes: can see infared light. very good knolege of minerals. can spit a very acidelic substaince 

Queen: Queen Negitave 


Space Travel Enforcement (Novawings Solarwings Ionwings)

Future treaty (Ionwings Nightwings)


Description: not much is known about these dragons but they are rumored to be the dragonification of a myth or legend 

Abilites: Very wide variation 

King: Unknown but is thought to be the King from the Worlds Colide legend 

King Parallel

Aliaces: none 


Description: Large black dragons with glowing eyes. they have two large fangs that they are rumored to suck the blood of other dragons 

Abilites: can fly without making a sound. blend into shadows. turn invisable. Rumored to be vampires

King: King Phantom 

Aliance: none 


Description: light dragons that are any shade of off white. they can have darker stripes. these dragons dont have any front legs making them wyverns. these dragons are very talented in making music and mose of the music you hear was created by a Soundwing.

Ablites: can fly very long distances without taking a break. fly really fast. Emit a powerful soundwave that can tear the air.

Govener: President Chirp 

Aliances: NSD (Novawings Soundwings Dawnwings)

Shared land Treaty ( Soundwings Dawnwings)


Description: Light coloured dragons. these dragons have a crest of pale yellow feathers on their heads and tail tip. these dragons can have darker Marigold spots. they have feathered wings 

Abilites: they can tell the time even when they are underground. can heal when exposed to Sunlight. breathe mist.

Governer: President Sunlight 

Aliances; NSD(Novawings Soundwings Dawnwings)

Shared land treaty( Soundwings Dawnwings)

Starlight galaxy: Parallel Eclipse (a STG rpWhere stories live. Discover now