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"You look thinner" Forth frowned, "are they not feeding their interns? And why are you looking extra sexy even when you look exhausted.?

"Do you ever stop flirting?" Beam sighed, "how do you handle being this horny on a boat?!"

"first of all... it's not a boat" Forth smiled, "second... I get horny only for you and that's why I want to explore some new options, but you are incorrigible and heartless when it comes to turning me down"

"someone has learned new words" Beam laughed at Forth pouting, "I have a off this Thursday" he said with a smile, seeing how Forth's eye became wider with glee.

"it's a date" Forth said, "eat more will you!!! Something healthy too... aren't you a doctor"

"Med student" Beam corrected him, but before he could talk further, Lisa popped her head in "Hey beam.... Ward 5 in 10 minutes else mama is going to have you head"

"sorry, got to go" Beam quickly disconnected. Forth looked at his phone and sighed, he saw Park doing the same in bed next to him. "Lam has class" Park sighed, "Beam was called" Forth said and burst out laughing.

"You tricked me into this" Park whined, "I was happy following him around and you tricked me into this"

"When did I, it was you who kept mumbling about becoming a man who can provide" Forth threw an empty bottle at his friend, "don't blame me"

"peer pressure... you turn into this perfect husband, and I can't let you have all the glory" Park said, "so... game on?" he asked, "yes... I am going to wipe the floor with your ass today"

They both started playing online game for rest of the night. It has been two months since the internship started and it had now become a routine, do their work... talk to their partners, play a game and crash.

P' Tharn who had to share the bunker with them had even shared some porn, but both refused surprising their senior. He was stunned seeing how the two hard headed, flirty ass juniors had become real gentlemen over the course of few years.


"sorry we don't stock them here" the shop assistant said, "not many takers for expensive kind". Beam sighed, his pills had run out over a week... and their hospital pharmacy was no help. "I have the regular kind" he offered but Beam shook his said, "allergic...".

"I will place an order kid, should be here in a week" he added as he typed in the entry "until then you know what to do."

"Thanks Marty" Beam said with a smile, "a week should be okay... not that I need it now anyways."

"Ahhh" the older man smiled, "safe than sorry.... I know how horny you interns get. Nothing get's past the pharmacist"

"Na... my husband is on his internship too... so am good for 2 more months" Beam smiled, "maybe I can stay off them for a while" he said more to himself, it is not like he is going to have sex with anyone here.

His phone rang breaking his though process, "hey" he answered with a smile when he saw it was Forth calling. "why are you at medical shop?" was the first question Forth asked, "are you sick?"

"You got a good one there" Forth heard someone at the back and raised his eyebrows, "say HI to Marty" Beam turned a bit so that Forth can see him. "and a hot one too" the older man joked. "No wonder you are loyal."

"Hi marty" Forth smiled.... "I don't know about you, but I would be nervous if I had a man like him staying all alone" the older man said with a smile and winked.

"Hey..." Beam frowned and turned phone quickly toward him, "say bye to him"

"What does he mean?" Forth asked, "you got any admirers that you haven't told me about."

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