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"Are you sure?" Earth frowned, "he can be a monster... and .. his clothes". Nat had been crying non-stop, which in turn triggered Akshara's empathy tears, when he learned that he cannot stay with his new baby sister.

Beam had said it was okay for Nat to stay with them, when sobbing child looked at him with his puppy eyes, he had caved.

What impressed him was how much his daughter adored him. She had refused to leave him alone the entire day, following him around and pouting if he moved too fast for her to chase him crawling.

It was a good thing that he was also a toddler who often landed on his bum when he tried to run.

"they can manage" Yiwha said, "it is part of being the family – having to deal with that little monster" she said with a fond smile, "I deserve a break..." she rubbed her protruding tummy, "you can drop off his stuffs after dropping me off at home."

"Yes" Beam smiled as he rubbed Nat's back in a comforting manner both him and Ashku were snuggled up and sleeping in her crib.

Earth offered to take the sleeping child away, but Beam didn't have the heart to think about the disappointment the child would face when he woke up, especially given the fact that the children were holding hands as they slept.

"I will call you" Jane said softly, "I missed you more than I ever admitted to myself... hope you will make some time for me"

With that they all left, leaving Forth and Beam in a silent home. Forth sat on the couch and stretched, "Nat is stubborn" he said smiling at Beam, "so is our daughter" Beam added with a smile.

Forth heart swelled at Our but he only smiled. "I was honestly jealous of Nat... the way our daughter was following him around; I wanted to kick him out every time I saw her look at him with adoration and clap at every stupid thing he did."

"Oh.. come on" Beam laughed out loud. "She is used to kids in the day care... and after our boring faces daily, Nat must have been a welcome change."

"doesn't mean I have to like it" Forth mumbled, "at least he is her brother... I think I will break every bone of the guy she has a crush on..."

"shut up" Beam got up and stretched, "she is just a baby.... I don't want to think about it for a long, long time... ". He then shot a glance at Forth... "you... er.. you can sleep here if you want."

"I can?" Forth instantly got to his feet.

"I mean... you are also tired... you don't have to go back" Beam said, it is not like Forth has to travel a lot... he was literally just two floors away. "Do you hear me complaining" Forth laughed, "let me just clean up and come to bed"

"Wait wait" Beam's eyes widened in panic, "I mean guest room... sorry... I er.. I need more time please"

Forth nodded, "I meant only to sleep.... But guest room it is" he said as he walked towards Beam and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can wait.... Don't worry about causing me any pain or trouble.... We will take it at your pace."

Beam watched Forth's eyes for any contradiction, he slowly leaned in and gave him a quick peck on Forth's cheeks. "Thank you", and before Forth could say anything he quickly went into his room and shut the door.


Beam tried to calm him crazy heart, he if falling again like the first time – his will power was that of a cotton candy when it came to Forth. 

One smile, one touch and it seemed to melt like it never existed.

He changed as he recollected the day's events – it was tiring, running after a toddler and a baby that had just started to crawl... but also was filled with warm memories.

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