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Forth stopped at a earshot distance when he saw Beam in the canteen, he had wanted to surprise Beam but there was another girl standing next to him. "It is our day off tomorrow... er" that girl paused, "do you want to go out?"

"Sorry, what?" Beam asked the girl. Forth moved a bit closer

"I like you and was hoping maybe we can go on a date" she said in a rushed tone.

Forth could see Beam smiling as he shook his head, "sorry. I am married" he replied making the girl frown. "must be a luck girl... why didn't anyone warn me that you are taken."

"lucky guy" Beam said as he walked back to his table with food in his hands, and the girl laughed "oh... I stood no chance from the start then. So, is he like super cute?" she sat opposite to him "I am Fai by the way" she extended her hands by Beam didn't take it.

Now this, Forth wanted to hear. People mostly assumed Beam is straight and even if he is not.. he would go for the cute boy type... he moved in closer, a bit happy that Beam didn't take that girls hands.

"In his own way" Beam replied, "are you intern here too?"

"Oh no" Fai smiled "I am a resident... didn't know you were intern. I really have to do my background check before I embarrass myself. I hope I have not scared you."

"No Phi" Beam shook his head.

"people wouldn't really know if you had fun here... unless you tell them" she added, "I don't see your wedding ring... you are not saying that to blow me off ar?" Fai lost her chain of thought when a tall, tanned and muscled guy walked towards them with a frown and harsh glare focused on solely on her.

"He said he is married, P" Forth stood behind Beam with a hands on his shoulder.

"Forth" Beam quickly turned, unable to believe his ears but no one else would confidently touch him, not after P'Art getting his blackeye.

"You said he is cute" Fai frowned, "how on earth is he cute... hot may be"

"Fai" Lisa and Cho came running, "stop now if you want to live"

"Sorry sorry" Cho added, "she is my sister and I was telling how Beam is very strict with people flirting with him... and she being a dumbass she is, had to test it out herself. I would have stopped her had I know Beam."

"you should not mistake him... he even got into a fist fight, and broke P'Art nose when he didn't back back" Lisa added, she was scared for Beam when she saw how hard Forth's expression got. "he always wears his ring in chain... we all know how taken he is"

"Forth" Beam sighed, "cut it out"

"Where is my welcome?" Forth asked, his tone light but with a smirk on.

Beam blushed a bit as he pulled Forth down to give a peck on his lips, "now... how come you are here now... don't you have like a week more?"

"Aawwww" Lisa and Fai together started fangirling, "no wonder he treats himself so special" Lisa said, "did you see the tone he used with Beam.... Man, he is hot" Fail added. Cho sighed, "I am sorry" he dragged both of them out "they will get me killed one day"

"someone trouble you?" Forth asked, "why did you not tell me..."

"I handled it Forth" Beam said, "Did you eat? Are you coming straight here"

"Yes" Forth smirked, "so am cute huh?"

"I said in your own way" Beam got up, "wait here... and eat mine. I will get more food and a milk tea for you"

Forth couldn't take his eyes off his husband. Beam had lost weight, but instead got more lean muscles on him... his face was a lot sharper, his eyes were bright even though they looked a bit cold.. maybe tired.

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