Chapter 1: Last Day

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Miles's POV

I stared out the window of Dad's police car and let out a sigh. Today was my last day at Brooklyn Middle School. All because I won some stupid lottery for some fancy private school. I have only been there once to take my entrance exam and I already hate it.  They have these extremely uncomfortable uniforms. They have dorms, meaning I'll have to share a room with someone I don't even know. They give you a bedtime. I mean I know that it sounds childish, but seriously that is a bit eccentric. Plus the kids there are like robots. They don't laugh, smile, or even say hello. They just stare at the teacher with a deadpan look. I really hope I don't end up just like them.

"So, Miles, how's it feel to be done with school?" dad asked as he pulled up in front of the house. I ignored him, grabbing my bag a heading toward the front door. I immediately rushed into my room and flopped onto my bed with a defeated sigh.

I was probably there for about five minutes staring at the ceiling, before I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I called, turning my head to face the door.

The door creaked open and Dad stepped in and sat at the foot of my bed. "Miles, I know you're upset with me," he started.

"Really, how could you tell?" I snapped.

He sighed, "Look, Miles I'm doing what's best for you. You'll have so many great opportunities at this school."

"Shouldn't I be able to decide for myself? I don't want to go some snobby private school. I just want to go to a normal school like everyone else," I complained sitting up to face him.

"You should be excited about this. Do you wanna end up like your uncle?" He replied in annoyance.

"What's wrong with Uncle Aaron, he's a good guy?" I murmured.

He sighed again, "Miles, we all make choices in life."

My voice began to rise along with my anger. "Really? It doesn't feel like I have a choice right now-"

"You don't," he cut me off in a stern voice.

I slouched against my pillow, defeated, and we sat there in silence before I whispered, "Sorry, Dad."

He gave me a small smile and responded, "It's all good, Miles. Why don't you... go see your uncle?" I quirked an eyebrow at him. He never encourages me to go see Uncle Aaron. He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm serious, Miles and tell him that I say 'Hi' as well."

With that a smile spread across my face as I grabbed my bag and sped out the door. "Okay, see ya Dad."


Currently me and Uncle Aaron are in some old abandoned subway tunnel. Throwing one of my designs up on the wall. I was completely enthralled into my painting, putting every stressful thought, every negative emotion into my art.

Finally I finished and took a few steps back to look at my work. "Is it too crazy?" I asked curiously.

"Nah, man," Uncle Aaron replied, "Miles, I see exactly what you doing here, man."

I looked down at my feet. "I'm just... tired of Dad trying to control my life... Y'know?"

"Yeah, man. Yeah, I've known your Dad for a long time now. All I can really tell you right now, Miles... is you keep going, man." He said.

I gave him a slow, weak nod. The silence was broken by a silent beeping sound. Uncle Aaron took out his phone and looked at the screen. "C'mon, man. I gotta roll," he said casually as he stood up, rolling his shoulders. I stayed behind to take one last picture of the wall we had tagged with a small smile etched onto my face.

 I stayed behind to take one last picture of the wall we had tagged with a small smile etched onto my face

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As soon as I took the picture a super creepy looking spider crawled up my sleeve onto my hand.

"How long has that been in there?"

I let out a small gasp as it bit me. It gave me some strange tingly feeling but I just chose to ignore it. I smacked the spider, causing it to fall to the ground. "Miles, let's go," Uncle Aaron hollered from the entrance to the tunnel.

The next morning

I woke up feeling... weird. I felt incredibly nauseous and had a splitting headache "Miles, mi amor, breakfast is ready," mom chirped happily from the kitchen. I groaned lightly and tried to get up but my hand wouldn't come of the wall.

"What the-"

"Miles, hurry up before it gets cold," Mom shouted up the stairs.

"Uh c-coming I'm just... changing my clothes" I called back as I tried to pry my hand off the wall.

My hand finally came off the wall, along with some of the paint and stucco and I fell back with a loud thud. "Miles, you all good up there," Dad sounded.

"Oh, uh, yeah, Dad I just tripped over a uh... thing."

"Yeah, real smooth, Miles," I thought sarcastically.

"Be careful, Miles," Mom said.

"I will, Mami. I'm fine," I responded as I changed out of my pajamas and into my favorite hoodie and shorts. I raced out of my room and closed the door behind me, but was quickly yanked back causing me to fall to the ground. I looked back to see what kept me in place and saw my hand stuck to the door knob.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

I tugged on my hand relentlessly until it was freed. Which also sent the doorknob flying across the hall.

"What is going on?"

I scurried down to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. Which was of course... cold.

"Just Great."

"I told you," mom scolded me. I just sighed and sat down with my plate and fork as I began to eat my cold eggs.

"Today's gonna be a long day."

So I just decided to write this story for fun. I loved the spider-verse movie and wanted to write the things I wish had happened in the movie. I mean I'm not that great of a writer, but I hope whoever reads this likes it.

Anyways the next few chapters will introduce Peter Parker and show how I think he'd be as a mentor to Miles.

Thanks for reading!

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