Chapter 11: A Proper Introductrution

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Gwen's POV

I walked down the halls of Alchamex in my "borrowed" lab uniform trying my best to go unnoticed by the plethora of scientists inside. I figured it'd be best to disguise myself rather than to sneak in with my costume, since this company doesn't seem to have a great history with spider themed vigilantes.

"I need to figure out where the main office is. All the information I need will most likely be there."

I walked down the astronomical maze of hallways checking every door for a label that read, "Main Office," but had no such luck. I sighed as I shoved my hands into the coat pocket, still walking aimlessly around the building.

"Doctor Stone your presence has been requested in the main office," came the voice of a female scientist. I immediately whipped my head around to the source of the voice, watching intently as the dark skinned lady with braided, black hair, that was tied back in a low ponytail, conversed with a tall, skinny man who seemed to be shocked by her statement.

"M-me really?" he stuttered as he tightly clutched his clipboard in his arms.

"Yes, you. You're being promoted," she replied in a monotone voice as she lightly pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She held out a small card to him and he cautiously took it from her. "Here is the key card you'll need to get in," she continued. She then strutted away leaving the clacking of her boots as the only sound to be heard.

The doctor gazed in bewilderment at the card in his hands. "Oh wow," he mumbled to himself in astonishment.

I then decided to walk up behind him, most likely giving myself away. "Congratulations," I said simply.

"Thank you," he responded in a hushed whisper, still not taking his eyes of the key card, which I now noticed had his name printed on it.

"Now I kinda feel bad."

"Quick question—Where's the main office?" I asked him politely.

"Oh it's at the end of the hall on the left," he replied, snapping out of his daze and turning to look at me. "Wait a sec. Who are y-?" I cut him off by shooting a web at his mouth. He stumbled back a few feet and dropped his card as he brought both of his hands up to his face, in attempt to pry off the webbing.

In one swift motion I dropped to the ground, snagged the keycard, and swept Stone's feet from under him, causing him to fall flat on his back. He let out a stifled yelp as he laid sprawled out on the floor. He tried to stand again, but I webbed his hands and feet to the floor.

I sprinted, keycard in hand, down the hall. I made a left, passing by multiple glass covered walls until I reached the door I was looking for. I scanned the card and the the small light on the panel turned green, but just a I reached for the handle I paused.

I heard a muffled crash from the other side of the door. I carefully reached for the handle again, just as my spider-sense rang, alerting me of danger. A louder more audible crash then made itself imminent as a man came crashing through the glass.

The man slowly stood and I then noticed then he was dressed in a black and red spider-suit just like the the Spider-man that was supposed to be dead.

"No, it can't be the same guy. This one is... fatter... and for some reason is wearing sweatpants."

"Peter!" I heard a familiar voice cry in fear. I turned to see the same beat up mask and hoodie I had just seen not too long ago.


Miles's POV
Ten minutes earlier

Peter had just left me here, outside of Alchamex and instructed me to stay here and be his "Lookout," but I just couldn't. I couldn't just stand by and let him possibly die again so I went in after him.

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