Chapter 9: Collider (part 2)

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Miles's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself in a the same lab, but it was wrecked and was dark as night. I immediately hopped to my feat and ran around frantically searching for the red and blue costumed hero. Once I caught sight of him I raced to the pile of rubble that he was laying in. I quickly slipped off my mask and stuffed it in my jacket pocket as I bent so that I was face to face with him.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked nervously. I knew the answer. I was just trying to cling to the spec of hope that brewed in my chest.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," he assured, "Just resting." My eyes scoured over his suit which was covered in rips and a bit of blood.

"Can't you get up?" I questioned in a worried tone.

"Yeah," he chuckled weakly as he lolled he head back, resting it on a block of cement, "Yeah, I always get up." He broke into a fit of coughs. "The coughing's probably not a good sign though," he said tiredly.

"Find him. Now," we both heard Kingpin order from the distance.

"Miles, we don't have much time here," he whispered. He grabbed my hand and gave it a slight squeeze. "I lost the override key, Miles," he said weakly.

"Well, you can make another one, right?" I asked hopefully. He slowly shook his head with an apologetic frown, crushing the remaining ounce of hope I had left.

"You need to get out of here." he ordered in a low tone.

I gripped his hand tighter. "I'm not leaving you, Pete," I countered as I stared into his sea blue eyes.

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna see if I can find the goober. I need you to go make sure May is safe," he assured an emotion flashing across his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

I looked at him worriedly, "Pete-"

"Promise me, Miles" he interrupted sternly, pleading with his face.

I looked down at my him, fear clearly showing on my face. Fear for Pete, fear for myself, and fear for all of New York. I took a shaky breath as he looked at me expectantly. "I promise," I replied as I gazed into the eyes of my mentor and best friend, trying to hold back the tears that were stinging my eyes, but couldn't help but let a few fall.

"P-Pete... I c-can't do this... without y-you" I quietly sobbed.

He wiped away a tear with his thumb. "Yes, you can... Spider-Man," he said. I turned my head to the ground as the tears fell.

"Now go." he said firmly as he began to push me away. I bolted off to the nearest wall and glanced back a him. "I'll come and find you," he called after me. I gave him a sad look hoping that he was right, but deep down there was still a strong, lingering feeling that told me he wouldn't.

"It's gonna be okay," he said weakly. I began to climb and heard a weak, "Miles." I turned back to him, my hands and feet still clinging to the wall. "I love you, kid," he said as he gave me a weak masked smile, which I returned before getting back to climbing.

I reached the exit and was about to leave but froze in fear at the sound of Kingpin's cocky voice. "I'd say it's nice to see you again, Spider-Man, but it's not," he said sarcastically.

"Hey Kingpin, how's business?" came Pete's witty response.

"Booming!" Kingpin chuckled. Before grabbing ahold of the hero's mask and aggressively ripping it off. At that moment for me everything became a blur as fear took ahold of me. I couldn't hear or see anything that was said between either of them. As my vision and hearing returned, I saw something I'd never forget.

Kingpin gave Peter a hate filled glare before lifting his fists a slamming them onto him with a mighty roar. I watched as my closest friend's body went limp. I watched as his joyful, blue eyes lost the light that seemed to radiate from them. I watched as his shining blond hair quickly became matted in blood. I watched as his kind face that had given me soft smiles turned pale.

My breath got caught in my throat and tears pricked my eyes. I stifled a sob as I stared at Peter's now lifeless body. Never again would I see his smile. Never would I be able to swing through the city alongside him. Never would I be able to laugh at his terrible, witty quips, because he is gone... and I did nothing to stop it.

Tears flowed from my eyes and I didn't bother trying to hold them back as I took off running, my mind foggy. I do not know how but somehow I wound up outside running through the bustling streets of Brooklyn. I turned into an alleyway, pressed my back against it, and slid down to the floor with my head in my hands.

I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. I could barely even think straight at that point.

All I knew was that Peter Parker, my friend, my mentor, and New York's hero and guardian, was gone. He's deceased. He's finished. He's DEAD... and it's my fault

Gwen's POV

After the tussle I had had with, Miles I found myself swinging around aimlessly for hours trying to find him. I stopped to catch my breath as I looked down at the citizens below as they carried on with their normal lives.

"Okay Gwen, think. You need to find Miles if you want to get back home. Where could he be?"

I shouldn't have ran. It was just the shock of it all. Now I had dug myself into a deeper grave.

I looked down from my perch, on the roof of a building, to notice the expression's of the people had changed as they all stared at there phones in shock.

"What's going on?"

"I come to you with breaking news." I turned to see the face of a reporter on a huge screen. "Sad news tonight," she continued, "The hero know as Spider-Man... has died. From injuries related to another powerful earthquake." My eyes widened to their limit.

"He... died?

"Multiple sources say that Peter Parker, a twenty-six year old grad student, operated as Spider-Man for at least a decade."

"Wait, P-Peter?" I said to my self as I stared intently at his photo on the screen.

"He looks just like him... but older... and blond."

Tears stung my eyes as I looked at his picture but I didn't dare let them fall. I blinked them back and shook my head as I said sternly to myself, "No. not this time."

I tuned back in the the reporter who continued, "His body was found outside of an abandoned Alchemex lab, though Wilson Fisk, the head of Alchemex, denies any knowledge of why he was there.

"Alchemex, huh? Guess that's where I'm heading."

Sorry for taking so long to update.
I'll try to update every Saturday.
Thank you for Reading.

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