Chapter 27: Only Her

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Gwen's POV

Peter crouched into his fighting pose, while Miles took on a defensive stance. Peni, Ham Noir, and I watched the predicament with baited breath. I wasn't sure what to feel. I didn't want Miles to fight Kingpin alone, but I of course didn't want Peter to fight him!

I felt a lump form in my throat. There was no way Miles would beat Peter. As hard as he would try Peter would still have twenty-two years of experience on him.

Peter suddenly lunged forward, landing a clean hit to Miles abdomen... right where his injury was. I sucked in through my teeth, thinking of the pain that must have caused him. Miles shrunk into himself as he grasped his stomach and winced. Peter took that as an opportunity to swing his leg up and swiftly kick him in the head, causing Miles to fall back, sprawled across the ground.

Peter stood upright as he looked down on Miles's now disheveled form. " Stay down, Kid," he warned, "Don't make me hurt you."

"Just stay down, Miles."

Miles only leaned back on his hands and kip-upped in a standing position. He squared his shoulders and clenched his fists as the eyes of his black mask narrowed.

Peter leapt at him again, but Miles was prepared. He stepped to the side and collided his foot with Peter side. Peter staggered back a few steps and eyes of his mask widened in shock.

Miles then swung his arm, aiming a punch at Peter. Peter deftly caught his hand and kicked Miles in the back of the leg, causing his knees to buckle. Peter then pinned him to the ground and clamped his hands around both of his wrists.

"Miles!" Peter barked, "Stay down,"

Miles shook his head slowly. I felt my heart clenched at the brokenness in his voice. "I can't," he stated, his voice choppy and hoarse.

Peter sprang to his feet at shot two webs, tethering Miles's wrist to the floor. "You can't even control your powers, Miles. Fisk would easily overpower you. You fighting him right now would be suicide."

Miles struggled and grunted under his restraints, before looking back up at Peter. "That's where your wrong," Miles revealed in a quiet voice. The edges of his mask tilted up slightly in a small smile as if he was remembering something. "I'll always get back up."

A crackly, sizzling sound could be heard over the boisterous whirring of the collider. My eyes fell on Peter's shocked expression then traveled down to Miles. My expression, as well as the other's, then changed to match Peter's, because Miles's arms were glowing. Well, not exactly glowing, but pretty close. Tiny bolts of electricity were traveling up and down his arms, illuminating them in a bright blue tint. Miles then clenched his fists and the electricity surged outward, completely incinerating Peter's webs.

My jaw dropped.

Miles leapt to his feet, ready to fight. Peter shook his head dismissively and crouched down, before springing at Miles again. Miles leapt up and stuck to the ceiling, effectively evading the attack. I watched as Peter fumbled a bit from the surprise. He then looked up to where Miles had been, but he was no longer there. I squinted in confusion as Peter looked in every possible direction.

Miles suddenly appeared right behind Peter and I heard Peni gasp and Ham let out a surprised snort. Peter hastily turned around just as Miles began to charge his fist with electricity. Peter tried to dodge the attack, but Miles was faster, landing the blow straight to his gut.

Peter flew back from the force and landed on the floor between Peni and I. He groaned in pain as he hit the ground, stray bolts of electricity still flying off his body. Noir crouched down beside him.

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