Chapter 203

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I hear muttled talking outside of the bathroom and I'm surprised just how much the curtain door does. 

Hot water drops run off my body as my eyes scan all the new things in the bathroom. I didn't notice before but there's something new about everything around me. 

I don't know how or where my mother got the money for these simple updates, fixed cracks, new items and things I can't even see but I'm glad that something in her life. I wrap a towel around myself and step outside into the kitchen, the talking stops and I have two pairs of eyes on me. 

Miles's hazel eyes run down my body and then look into mine in shock while Cody's eyes lingers on places I can't fully understand, they seem to be all over the place and yet in one unknown place.

"Madison!" Miles shouts but it comes out as everyday talk. 

He rushes over me to somehow cover me but then he just stays there, his hands unsure what o do as they float above the upper part of my body.

"What?" I ask, my eyes not daring to look into his eyes. 

I feel as if we just met, there's something about his absence that makes me feel intimidated all over again, as if we're seeing each other for the first time. I look at his lips and try to steady myself.

"You're naked." He says and my eyes go wide. I didn't even realize that I went out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. But when I realize that that's exactly the situation, I can only find very little energy to care. 

It's like everything that mattered before, don't anymore. I feel like I'm living a completely different life and in this new life, Miles and I aren't together and I don't care if Cody sees me in a towel or if Miles does.

"I'm naked." I repeat and slowly walk into my room, feeling their eyes on me. I shut the door without looking at either one of them and let my fingers feel the door handle. 

I then let my fingers feel the sheets, they smell fresh, my mother must have just placed new ones. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before letting my fingers feel the few clothes that are in my cabinet. I pick a delicate white and soft knitted sweater. 

It reaches high up to my neck and protects my long arms all the way to my wrists. I gently and quickly slide into my leggings and while I do so, I spot a car in the front driveway that I didn't notice before, but I quickly realize it belongs to Cody. I take a deep breath and by the time I enter the kitchen again, I don't know how many I've taken.

"Is everything okay?" Both of them say in unison and I can tell that Miles is clenching his jaw, having to have Cody right beside him which makes me smile just a little. 

I walk into the bathroom and yet again I hear in unison, "Do you need help?" I shake my head.

"I'm just going to do the laundry," I answer slowly and quietly and Miles's voice replies."Let me do that for you." He approaches and grabs the small box of laundry detergent away from me."Okay," I answer even quieter this time as I take a small step back. I find myself forgetting just how good Miles is at everyday things since he has a personal maid who does everything for him.

 I watch as he places my clothes into the very small machine and pours a teaspoon of the laundry detergent in the machine and onto the clothes.

"You're supposed to put it in the little boxes." I point at the section of the machine made for the detergent to be put in."It washes it better this way." He smiles his cute smile and I nod slowly. I'm surprised he knows something like this, but Miles is full of surprises and secrets. 

I step out of the bathroom and to the kitchen where Cody is standing with a smile.

"Why are you here, Cody?" I breathe the sentence out of me and I can tell that he wasn't expecting me to question anything. 

His green eyes look into mine and he runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

"I . . . I followed you." He says and I give him a small smile for being so open and honest with me. The last thing I need is lies."You were the headlights behind me this whole time?" I ask and he nods."Yeah, I couldn't help but want to see you and me. . . I thought you weren't going far because you left Miles's house so suddenly. But you didn't. You went all the way here." He explains and all I can do is repeat his words."I did.""And when I heard you scream . . . I ran straight inside." Cody breathes as I relive the memory of the night, shattering my heart and shaking up my whole body one more time. 

I don't think I'll ever get over that night. Seeing my mother like that will forever haunt me.

"I'll be right back." I try my hardest for a smile and thankfully Cody falls for it, everyone always falls for it. And I think that it's only because they don't want to make it even worse but it already is. My feet take me upstairs as quickly as they manage and I sit down on the couch in the room on my left-hand side. I shut the door behind me and let a few tears spill as I hold my mother's phone carefully. I take a deep breath, press the number, and hold the phone by my ear."Angela! Oh thank god, I thought you had gone back on your word about calling me back after the news I gave you a few days ago. You don't have to be alarmed but because the cancer has spread tremendously, we need to rush you into treatment." The voice stops and then continues."Angela?" It questions, forcing my bloated eyes to spill out burning hot tears that wet my pink cheeks.

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