Chapter 270

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"Babe," I hear the softest voice, it's beautiful, handsome, and everything in between, something that seems to fill my soul in more ways than I can explain. 

"Hm?" is all that I seem to be able to say, and I didn't even notice I was speaking. But that voice has always done this to me; always taken me into something I can't explain but something I don't ever want to leave.

I open my eyes to see his above me, staring into mine; pouring into them, and as our hazel eyes mix, there's something different behind his eyes, something I don't understand yet; a change I've never before picked up on, or maybe the change is too recent; something he hasn't revealed to me yet.

"Um, yeah," I say, somehow trying to help myself from falling into a mumble. what I want is to go inside, to be somewhere I'm not completely alone with Miles, but as soon as he steps outside I feel myself getting sick, oh god.

My heart starts to beat faster and somehow the stress of it all, only makes me feel worse until I feel it almost coming up my throat again. The door flings open and I'm continuously surprised by the things he does, somehow I expected him to throw himself into rage, but he's calm, somehow different.

"I . . . I need to go," I tell him, not sure what I mean and I know that he's even more confused than I am, but my feet still take me inside, Miles right behind me somehow, somehow he's always so fast, making me feel so secure every time and especially when he thinks something is wrong and I know he's thinking something; I just hope it's as far from the truth as possible, because I can't tell him right now, not . . . right now.

"MAdison," I hear David and Sandra's voice call but I can't, I need to hurry, I find myself coughing loudly before I finally shut the bathroom door in Miles's face. 

I turn the faucet and the shower on before what feels like throwing up my whole stomach into the bathroom.

I know Miles is right there; right there behind that door but when I don't open it for a while, I hear his soft footsteps walk away. I clean myself up, my hands, turn off the shower and sit down on the floor.

How did this happen? I somehow can't even look at Myself in the mirror, the reality of this is taking time to set in and I'm somehow not sure how many more times I'm going to be surprised, but when I finally manage to stand up, my knees weak after getting sick, I lift my shirt up slowly, revealing my stomach. it was never completely flat, but not it's much puffier than usual, not enough for anyone to notice, but something that will only keep growing.

I don't know the size of the baby right now, but I know that it's only going to get bigger, and somehow I want as much of this to be special. I don't want to hide for long, I want him to know; he needs to know.

I take a deep breath and press my shirt down before finally opening the door softly so that no one nearby can hear, and thankfully I'm all alone, my surroundings are empty, the house is similar to Miles's but yet somehow much, much more differently. I slowly walk down the stairs, hearing voices but not sure what they're saying until I approach the four of them, Sandra and David talking to Miles about something, but he doesn't seem to care; he never does. Instead, his eyes are on her; on Becky.

She's so small as she rests in a crib on a table, with everyone admiring the way she stares back at  Miles and when I reach close enough to him, his eyes shift to mine and so do hers, as she follows what Miles is concerning himself with which makes me giggle softly catching Sandra and David's attention. They come to a stop in talking and almost in unison say; "She really likes you two,"

Miles throws a surprising smile, but it's too fast for anyone but me to see, but when Becky giggles, I know she has the eyes for Miles the way I do.

"Yeah, well," Miles coughs.

"She better, because she's as close to any child I'll have," Miles speaks and my heart shatters, because right now, I have the one thing Miles doesn't want, growing inside of me.

I DON'T REMEMBER HOW THE night went but now that we're back in Miles's familiar red leather interior that I've gotten so attached to in the past few days, I'm wishing I had paid more attention and made the moment last much longer than it did.

"What happened in there?" Miles finally breaks the silence that I've been so focused on not breaking for the past twenty minutes, which means we should be home some time ago, but Miles has been driving much slower than usual.

"I got sick--" I stop, I don't want him to jump to the conclusion which most people would, that sick usually means pregnant.

"I got dizzy . . . I haven't been eating well," I quickly correct myself and he flashes me the 'Miles' smile for a split of a second.

"Then I'll make you something when we get home," His voice is soft and caring.

"Miles--" I begin but at the same time that he does, "Madison." We both stop, usually we look at each other and laugh, at least smile, but this time, we're both silent.

He looks at the front windshield hard, as he runs his fingers through his hair and stays silent and so do his eyes.

The Porsche tires crunch on the gravel and leaves on the ground by now, our house.

Miles gets out and I follow, he unlocks the door with his black key; the one thing he chose not to change, he chose to personalize.

The darkness outside has settled into an almost dark grey sky, the cold rushing around the trees and as I stare at the wind flowing between the trees, I take in everything around me, this life is the life I've always wanted.

Miles pulls my hand, turning me to him, he licks his lips, his hand rushes through his hair, and then finally he lifts e into his arms, desperate kissing me, his lips remembering the taste, the way mine do.

his tongue intertwines with mine and I need him, I'm hooked and I know he is.

The atmosphere between us is heavy but somehow addicting and I know that even if I wanted to, I couldn't escape this feeling.

everything feels so dark and heavy and the only thing keeping me sane, are his arms around me, the way he touches my skin, the way his lips are on mine and the way I can't feel anything but him.

He doesn't carry me far and before I know it, he's sitting me down on the island, moving the chairs around it so that he can, like a magnet, detach himself as close to me as he can, his hands on my bare thighs, I don't even remember how I'm only in underwear.

"I thought we were making dinner," I m manage quietly, in between breaths, but the words are somehow soft.

He smiles a soft smile, "I got hungry," he says and I can't help but watch his smile and the eyes that stare so hard into my eyes, the familiar hazel that I can't ever leave.

"Miles--" I press my hand on his chest, I have to tell him, I can't let those hazel eyes think something that isn't true.

"I have to tell you--"

"It has to wait, I need you, babe," he says, and with that hi lips hit my neck and my head leans back in loss of control.

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