Chapter 261

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"I know I haven't shown you the whole house yet, but I need this to feel like yours too," Miles says with a smile as we step in through the front door, the April, air catching my hair and making it flow in the light wind before we close the front door behind us.

I didn't realize that I haven't seen nearly everything in this house, I was so focused on just the parts that were familiar to me that I somehow felt the rest didn't exist.

We step in through the door, and then up the familiar stairs that lead us to the multiple doors, the one on the right is the bathroom and then the one on the left is the bedroom; our bedroom, and then he shows me the entrance to the pool again, the door that is further than the bathroom, on the right side and the glass door has always shone a familiar blue onto the floor inside.

"This is where you snuck to, when . . . when Jacob--when you were with--" I stop him before he says the words, somehow I don't want to think about being with anyone but Miles, and I know that he feels the exact same way.

His strong arms open the door, letting me inside first and as I approach the pool, I remember that night, those costumes; that look in his eyes, the way our feet were dipped in the warm water, and the way for the first time, I truly felt like I belong with him; like he was mine and I was his.

"Do you feel the memories too?" he asks, his voice low and unsure and the perfect amount of raspy.

I look behind me to see his eyes staring through me and at the pool and I nod, "Yeah, I feel it too," I say and I see a smile slowly appearing on his face as his eyes shift from the pool to mine.

"If I could take everything back, all the bad stuff--I would, I'd do anything baby," he says and butterflies fly through me even though I'm shaking my head.

"I don't want you to take anything back, it's perfect, this was our perfect," I tell him and he finishes, "Our perfect storm," he says and I smile as both of our eyes are now on the pool in front of us.

I step closer, remembering the memories floating to me as if they're happening right now, I'll forever cherish everything, even the bad and the good because, with him, all of it is love, every part of it was our love, the only way we know how to handle these unexpected feelings for one another, and I'll forever be grateful to have gone through everything we did, and no matter what we'll go through, I know that I will forever love him.

"I will never leave you again, Madison," he whispers, and I close my eyes, reminiscing in the beautiful sound from his lips; the sound that both overpowers and overtakes me in one sweep motion.

"Even though we never . . . officially--" I begin, not even knowing where I'm taking this, no even aware that we don' have a date like everyone else.

But Miles doesn't answer my question, "How about January 1st?" he asks and a smile walks over my lips.

"It's a new beginning, after . . . everything ha happened and after I told you I loved you and you told me," he explains further and I can't help but feel that I want nothing more than to be with him forever, and I know this is something I'll always feel and I know like never before, that this is how he will feel forever.

"That's perfect."

His hands slide to hold my waist and I feel as though I'm in heaven, he's the only thing I need, even if that means nothing else in my life will ever be fulfilled because I know, I'll never again feel this way.

My phone vibrates and his hands slowly slide off my body, "It's Stephane," I tell him and he nods with a small smile, remembering what I told him in the car; that Stephanie will be coming over. At first, he rolled his eyes but then he finally agreed to have her over as long as he would be able to stay out of our girl talk, it only made me giggle, knowing that he doesn't want to be a part of something he has never experienced before, but something in me is glad that he had that reaction; that we're both so different but we're both now together in his house, in our space together.

"Then I better show you the gym," he explains, and I nod.

He takes my hand and after closing the glass door behind us, we walk toward the bedroom and then a little further with the room being closer to the stairs than any other room, and as we walk back the room is on our right as we walk closer.

He opens the door softly and I'm greeted with large windows at the very left side of the room and everything in-between is filled with gym equipment but it's much more organized and cleaner than I somehow expected, I don' know why I haven't gone in here before, but I'm glad ha I'm able to explore more of Miles and that he's allowing me to see more of what his life has been this whole time.

The room is much larger than I expected and I spot a few boxing bags hanging from the ceiling facing me but much further away.

A few yoga mats lie on the floor and there are too many weights standing organized on shelves. a treadmill s facing the windows and I can only imagine how he felt being here with all of this before we ever met.

"Has it always been this way?" I stare at the room before me.

"Yeah, this was kind of . . . my spot, where I came to think, I was here my very first day of WSU," he says, his eyes drifting into his mind somehow as if he's remembering his first day of WSU.

We both hear the doorbell rng loudly through our ears and the room and Miles shake his head, "Stephanie really knows when to time things," he says and can't help but chuckle.

Our feet take us downstairs after Miles closes the door to the room I've seen now for the first time.

The door flings open and Stephanie instantly steps inside with a smile covering her face and Miles's two cars gone and replaced by our black Porsche with red interior that I've come to be amazed by. the drive home felt unreal in something that now belongs to the both of us.

"Wow, this place looks different, in a good way though," Stephanie corrects when she notices miles eyes hard on her.

"Yeah," I giggle with a small smile.

"I love what you two have down with this place," Stephanie compliments again and I chuckle at Miles who rolls his eyes.

"I'll be in the gym," Miles lets us know and we both nod.

"So this is all both of yours now?" Stephanie smile and I throw a smile back at her before we both giggle with tears in our eyes and we fling into a long hug.

"I miss dorming with you," She cries and I begin to cry too but not because of only that but because of this new life that I have with Miles, something I thought we would never be able to have.

"And I'm sorry about what I said," she begins, tears running down her cheeks and into my long hair.

"Miles isn't toxic, he's different but he loves you and I see that . . . he wouldn't have done this for anyone else and I know that--I know--" I stop her, "I knew that all along," I say and we both chuckle.

She detaches from our hug and runs into the kitchen, opening up the kitchen cabinets to see our new pink mugs, "Yup, he loves you," we both laugh but I can't help but feel the warmth that comes from all of this.

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