Chapter 250

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Miles's POV

I find myself sweating with covers on top of me as well ad Madison's body. She's pantsless and wearing my long shirt.

I've always liked it much more on her than I do on me.

I lift her off of me slowly, cradling her thin body in my arms as I place her on the bed again, tucking the covers under her and making sure she won't wake up.

I rub my fingers through my hair.


I'm not entirely sure if what we just did was the right move but I needed her too bad.

There are only ten days until the end of March snd I'm counting, hoping with everything I've got that she'll give me the hundredth chance and that my hundredth apology can mean something this time.

I've done everyone in my life wrong, I've fucked up, but with her, it hurts; it hurts so hard.

I glance at the black watch that tells me it's now almost four am, a time I would have easily waken up at before but right now, I don't have that lifestyle anymore, waking up all night and going to strip clubs or having a phone call at four am telling me I can have some lady fun at a club was a different kind of me; one that didn't have Madison.

Chrissy: "Jacob woke up, thought you'd like to know,"

I ignore the message and place my phone back into the pocket of my jeans before grabbing a bottle of ice-cold water from the huge silver fridge.

The water cools me down and I'm absolutely amazed at the amount of sweat my body is holding, after fucking all night and sleeping under that damned thick sheet, I've done my sweating for the rest of the year.

I take a deep breath before sipping the water and letting it replenish all of me.

I hear noise coming from upstairs and I quickly turn my head, hoping I haven't woken up Madison this late but as soon as the footsteps down the stairs turn heavy, I know it's not her.

I had no idea Sandra and her whore were back.

I take a sharp breath this time, anti updating the whore to be the one coming down the stairs, and when I turn my head; I wasn't wrong.

"I didn't think you'd come back," he says and I huff a fake smile.

He grabs something from the fridge that looks like virgin beer; something I would never drink.

"You know . . ." He begins and I don't know, all I do know is that I don't want to listen to whatever buælshit he's about to spill.

He takes a sip and finally continues, I want this fucking over with.

"Madison is a great girl." He says and I nod. I know exactly where this is going.

"Finding someone like her isn't an easy task for guys like us, and I personally think marriage should be on your mind. Guys like us? I almost scoff at each word, in fact, I'm pretty sure ai do scoff at every syllable leaving his mouth.

"I'm barely twenty-one, marriage is the last thing on my mind," I say strongly, my eyes turned at him.

His cold and tired eyes look at me but I don't bother giving him the satisfaction of watching him too.

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