Bonus Chapter 3: Miles's Story

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Chapter three

Jacob's POV

Picking up my car in another state doesn't seem like the most convenient plan, but as soon as I step onto the train and spot the most beautiful girl I've seen, I don't regret being here.

My heart flutters and I feel so caught off guard, her hair is a dark-brown color, and her eyes are closed as she rests her forehead against the cold window.

I look around, not knowing what to do and thankfully the train is empty, nobody passing me which allows me to take my time to stand here and decide on what I'm going to do.

But as soon as I step foot closer, I suddenly feel like I can't breathe.

Come on, Jacob, you got this. What's wrong with you? I ask myself and quickly take a deep breath and dive in. I can't not dive in, no matter how nervous she's making me feel.

I step closer and closer and force a small cough which wakes her up, instantly making me feel like a jerk., I should have just sat right there, in front of her, staring at the angel in front of me and then escaping, leaving before she ever woke up, she would have never had to know.

Her dark hazel eyes look into mine and I try not to trip, my heart fluttering again as if it stopped for a second and then started beating again.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I speak and she gives me a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about it," she tells me and I instantly smile, thankful I didn't interrupt her.

"Is this seat taken?" I finally ask, managing not to faint in the process.

"No," she gives me a smile and I just can't help from smiling back.

I quickly sit down in the seat across from her and hope she doesn't find this uncomfortable as I watch her glance around.

Does she want to escape me?

"I know what you're thinking; I must be here to steal your backpack, right?" How cute can she get? A huge backpack rests right beside her and I have to physically try not to laugh.

"But I'm really not; it's too big for anyone to carry, really," I say and she laughs.

"No, I wasn't—" she stops herself and I just smile at her.

"What's your name, pretty girl?" I lean forward, watching her eyes, her gentle facial features, the way she's so stunning and so innocent.

"Madison, you?" her cheeks are a light pink now.

"Madison . . .?" I hope she finishes, I need to know everything I can about her because I'll never see her again.

"Madison Pierce, you?"

"Jacob, Uhm . . . Jacob Wilson," I speak, looking directly at her.

She smiles beautifully but when the train suddenly stops, I know that I have to leave her. I can't be too forward with her, not with her; she's different, she doesn't deserve my old traits. Because I know no matter how hard I'll try, if I want to be with her she'll have to meet Miles and neither of us can date right now.

Not right, not like this. I can't bring her into the rivalry we both have yet to overcome fully. I don't want to trigger it.

"This is my stop," I dreading say.

"One last question," I stand up with a smile, pushing my hair back.

"Uh . . . to college, WSU," she speaks and my eyes almost go wide.

But I can't help but smile at the thought even though there's too much uncertainty waiting for her there, especially if Miles sees her with me.

"Well guess what? Me too, Maybe I'll see you around." I hope to god I will.

"Yeah, maybe," she smiles genuinely and I hope she feels the same way I do.

"Hopefully," I wink before escaping the train, getting away from it as far as I can, and hoping none of this will escalate in the way I so deeply hope I'll be able to avoid.

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