Chapter 210

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Sorry for being MIA guys, things have been so hectic, but I hope you understand and I've written a slightly longer chapter for you guys, enjoy and as always HAPPY READING!!

"Cody?" Miles raises me back up and we both quickly stand up, pretending as if nothing happened. Nothing did happen, all that happened was we danced, no connection, no old feelings, nothing. 

I try to lie to myself but it doesn't work and when I finally spot Cody walking closer toward us, I realize not even he is fooled. All of a sudden he looks pissed off.

"Madison didn't desperately need see-through butterfly curtains did she?" I look at Miles, trying not to laugh while I'm also annoyed at him.

"It was the first thing I could think of." He explains to me too quietly for Cody to hear.

"Thank you, Cody, so much." I smile at the dirty-blonde head in front of me, trying to be as polite as possible.

"You're an asshole," Cody states to Miles as I grab the curtains from him slowly, not knowing what to do with them or where to place them. But I know I'll find some use around here.

"Oh, please." Miles huffs and I know he couldn't care less about what Cody or anyone has to say. I make my way away from them.

"You never take anything seriously do you?" Cody's voice is loud behind me and I turn around as a reflex. I see Miles's side smile and I know this isn't going to be good.

"You're fucked up," Cody speaks, approaching Miles slower but steadier to the point where he's in Milles's face. His finger is pointing directly at him and I can tell that Mile isn't going to want to deal with this much longer.

"Yeah?" Miles asks harshly, his face now filled with anger but then all of a sudden and so quickly he changes it all into a small side smile; a smirk.

"Then what is chasing after someone who you know full well has a boyfriend?" Cody stops and then Miles adds, "Stay out of it, and then you'll avoid trouble, and you really don't want trouble with me right now . . . not when it's about her." Miles says with dead-serious eyes, they almost look black now and his features are fused with anger.

"I will stay out of it, but when she's single, I'm good," Cody replies with a small smile before heading upstairs.

"I'll hang these up there." He lets me know and I nod before he takes the butterfly curtains away from my hands. Upstairs was always so vulnerable but now it feels like every part of this house is getting opened and in a way, I like it. Miles and I are left behind as Cody is clearly struggling upstairs.

"Should we help him?" I ask more myself than Miles but I get a reply anyway.

"Nah, I think he's doing just fine." Miles gives me a smile and I throw him a quick eye-roll. I stare into his deep and dark eyes and realize that no one else is like him. No matter who I'd find or who I think I'd be better off with, they're never going to be anything like Miles. And a world without Miles just can't exist for me. But I'm still going to try as hard as I can because I need to do that for myself, even if it won't end up as anything more than a flop.

"What happened?" Miles's eyes are on me as he tries to figure out my question.

"What happened after I left? With Jacob?" I elaborate and Miles starts to tense up.

"I made him go into another coma, a worse one." He finally spits out and I can't help but et a small gasp escapes my lips, quickly covering my mouth with my hand, trying not to imagine the hurt that Miles has put on everyone around him including me. 

But when I feel that my eyes are starting to swell up and tears leak down my cheeks, I realize just how horrible Miles is, he's a horrible, terrible person. How can he do something like this? My lips start to tremble but I quickly press them into one thin line to try and hold the tears from making everything worse but it doesn't seem to work, not at all.

"Madison . . ." He reaches his hand to me.

"Don't touch me!" I scream. It feels good to scream and even better to scream at him, he's a horrible person. How could he hurt someone like this?

"Madison, please—" He begins slowly and carefully, stepping one step back to give me some space. We both hear something falling down the stairs and we both glances at Cody who can barely keep his legs untangled as he runs with everything he has down the stairs. For a minute he just stares back at us after he has finally reached the last step in the stairs but then he finally asks,

"Is everything okay?" I shake my head and Cody approaches.

"What did you do to her?" He asks firmly as he's not standing behind me.

"I didn't do anything to her, I'd never do—"

"Clearly you did, girl don't just scream at you out of nowhere, so answer me, what the fuck did you do to her?!" Cody yells, filling the space with anger and sadness. 

I want all of this to stop, the feeling inside of me, the good and the bad waves that seem to take over everything inside of me. 

It feels like I'm on fire, it feels like everything is on fire and I want to do the same that Miles has done, I want to soak in my misery. I want everything to be black and colorless, I want the world to be different, to not have meaning, I want something to be invented to stop death but I also don't because my mother is already gone, and it's too late for anything.

"Please just leave." I cry. Cody is silent now and I feel as if it's just me and Miles in a room, in some stupid room with no walls, no air; nothing.

"Then say it, say that you're not attracted to me . . . that you don't want me."

"I can't . . . I can't say that." I look down, my hair falling with me as I stare down at the floor beneath us.

"Say it."

"Say it, Madison."

"Say it!" it's his turn to shout.


"I've not attracted to you anymore, Miles." I spill and he just stares at me as the words come out and I feel slightly horrified that they came out of my mouth. Out of my mouth. One of his eyes close slightly more than the other, it's not as open now and I can tell that a mixture of emotions is running through them, but I can't read any of the emotions.

"Fine." He says very firmly as if he's talking through a brick wall.

"I'm not attracted to you either, I don't think I ever really was." The words hit me straight to my core and I feel as though something heavy, so heavy has been shot straight into my chest.

I can't believe what I'm feeling or what I just heard. It's so surreal but yet so real at the same time. Does he really mean that? Does he know that I don't? I see his lips moving but I don't hear anything audible and then all of a sudden, I do and I feel the pain shoot through me. Oh please, I can't take any more.

"Well then . . . " He leans forward to ook me right into my face; into my eyes, staring and daring to make me feel like he did before, so frightened of his intimidation. I look at him in wonder, I can barely comprehend what feels bad he's making me feel let alone what he just said.

"Now I'm finally not keeping any secrets." He says, his lips exaggerating the words slightly and making them painfully clear to everything in my being. And then he smiles, that mirk of his that I've always admired is now being pointed at me. 

His smirk shifts to a smile a small smile and then it grows bigger and bigger until my body can't take the feelings anymore, forcing my feet tto get away from him and un up the stairs, the only place I feel safe. I jump onto the couch, tears running frantically down my cheeks, telling me that my heart is beyond broken. 

My trembling fingers and slim hands grab at the light pink fluffy sheets, covering everything on me and then pulling it closer to me, holding it close to my chest as I try not to scream in pain.

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