Chapter 3: The Storm's Approaching

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Bayonetta wanders down the city streets alone in Purgatorio. She seems preoccupied. She thinks back on Nero cumming inside her. She lightly places her hand over her stomach and grimaces.

"That little punk."

Then a cool breeze caresses her body and sends chills down her spine. An alluring yet familiar scent grabs her attention. She sees a beam of white light in the distance. Angels must be nearby.

She reaches the exact spot of the beam of light. Standing in the middle of the cascading light is Vergil with his back turned to her. Her eyes narrow at him, then a flock of Affinities descendants upon the heavenly rays.

"A party? And I wasn't invited?"

The angels land and surround them both.

"Must've gotten lost in the mail. Let's dance, boys!"

Bayonetta takes action and kills the angels with ease. Vergil remains in the same position in the middle of the chaos. He's neither impressed by the angels nor Bayonetta. The battle ends quickly and Bayonetta stands victorious. Vergil continues to ignore her presence.


She notices Vergil's white hair.

"Let me guess. You're another one of Dante's relatives."

Vergil slowly turns to her, glaring at her menacingly. He grips the sheathed Yamato tightly in his hand. Bayonetta gradually approaches him like a curious kitten.

"Word spreads fast," she laughs.

She circles around him, yet keeps her distance. Vergil's rigid stare stays on her every move. His eyes are locked onto hers, not even taking a moment to blink. His cold, vacant gaze gives her the impression he's not to be taken lightly.

"Not the talkative type I see. Doesn't matter. An encounter with you will end like all the others."

"Is that right?"

"Oh! So you do have a tongue."

She stops in front of him just a few feet away. She draws Love is Blue and aims at him. Vergil lowers his head a bit and snickers to himself. Bayonetta clenches her teeth.

"Mind sharing with the rest of class of what's so fucking funny?"

"Foolish Umbran Witch," he mocks. "Walk away while you can."

"Is that a threat?"

"I know what I'm capable of."

The two of them stare at each other.

"But if you persist," Vergil says, taking a step forward. "This shall be your grave."

Bayonetta stares icily at him and opens fire! Vergil steps aside from each bullet fired at lighting speed using his teleportation ability. She charges him and attacks stylishly with her fists and legs. Vergil continues to dodge around her with ease. She activates witch time to slow him down.

It works!

Once she's in range she performs a wicked weave attack, and hurls a punch directly at him! Vergil emits his demonic power, and a wave of blue energy explodes out of his body. He uses the Yamato and blocks Madama's Butterfly's fist. Her eyes sharpen.

"Nice try."

In a flash, Vergil unsheathes Yamato and slices Madama's Butterfly's fist! As he sheathed Yamato again, her fist burst into tiny chunks! She gives a horrid wail and retreats back into Inferno.

Before Bayonetta's able to react, Vergil, using a sheathed Yamato, quickly jabs Bayonetta in the gut, face, then sends her flying across ground. She slides across the ground and quickly gets back on feet. However, Vergil teleports over to her again and lifts her up off the ground by her throat. She claws at his grip around her throat. She gasps for air.

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