💕 Stacy's Confession 💕/ 1

382 16 4

September 18th, 2021


Luke's POV

It was a normal Autumn day, the leaves were falling and the sky was as bright as the sun. I was on my way to the 2 paths that connect to mine and Zander's house.

As I walk up I see that Zander is there first there like always. His perfect purple hair and purple outfit... Wait, what is with this man and purple? Is he The Man Behind the Slaughter? All jokes aside I wave, "Hey!" as I get closer Zander more clearly. He turns his head slightly closing his book in such a perfect yet slow way. "Oh, hey Luke." He says waving back.

"Ready to go?" I say to him as he puts his book in his backpack. He doesn't say anything but just nods with a "mhm." We walk down the same road as we always do. Hailey doesn't walk with because her, Millie, and Sean walk together I guess.

"Sooo.." I say trying to start up a conversation. "Mmh?" "How's your day going." I say. It takes him a moment to respond at first "Well.. Hailey stole my watch this morning so I had to run after her.. Otherwise it would have been good." Zander stares at me as I burst out laughing "PFFFTT-" "SHUT UP!" He screams while chasing after me

As we reach the school Zander seems to have calmed down. As we walk to our lockers we see the rest of the club. (not including Jake of course.) "Heyyy!" Milly yells practically in Sean's ear, but he ignores it. "Hey Milly." I reply back as Zander gives a wave and a slight smile.

The rest of the day seemed to come around slow, but it was finally time for lunch which means it was rehearsals time. I open the door to the room to see that Hailey and Zander are already there. "Hey Luke!" Says Hailey. "Hey." I say back smiling. I walk over to my baby~ (drum set) and set them up quickly yet carefully. By the time I'm done Milly and Sean both walk in and say "Hi." to everyone before setting up.

"Jake late again?" I hear Hailey groan. "Like always." Zander responds while playing a few keys on his "piano", well more like his Keyboard. About 3 minutes after Milly and Sean arrived Jake slowly creaked the door open "Uh- heyyy.." Hailey stares at him for a moment, kind of creepy to be honest. "DON'T be late again." She says with an annoyed look on her face.

The rest of rehearsals we just practiced tunes and thought of song names. Hailey wanted each of us to write a song by next week Friday. I've never written an actual song before, besides from the ones when me and Zander were kids.

The end of the day creeped around the corner. We were all getting our belongings from our lockers when I hear a thump in the next room. "What was that-?" I say as everybody else shrugs. I go to the next room to check it out when I see Stacy, a girl from one of my classes on the floor.

"Stacy?" I say staring at her "Huh.?" She looks up as she takes her hand off her forehead. "L-Luke?!" She says in shock "Are- Are you okay?" I say kneeling down by her making eye contact. "I-I'm sorry. I was getting books for the Science teacher and slipped.." "Oh that's okay! Need some help?" She looks up at me and nodes

As we walk to the Science room I have to feeling she's staring at me, but I try not to look back at her. We made our way to the classroom and I slowly open the door and place the books on a nearby desk. I watch as Stacy does the same. "Again.. I'm sorry for being a bother.." She slowly looks at my lips, pretty uncomfortable.. Before I can respond I feel our lips touch softly.

As she backs away I see her blush "L-Luke I have well.. I've liked you for some time now, and I know we haven't talked much but think we could be a good couple.." I sigh and look at her with a darkened face "Stacy I'm sorry but, I have my eyes set for somebody else.." Her eyes winded in sadness "W-who?!" "I can't tell you.." I slowly close the door as I walk away while tears form in her eyes.

Words: 865

Author's note


Thank you for reading part 1 of Secret Love, this story was made to practice my writing skills because I want to be a writer when I'm older!

I originally had another series that I had cancelled due to lack of motivation, but I think I'll be staying with this till the end. :)

This story is different from the main plot as you can tell from this episode as it would normally be that Luke confessed to Zander, I will try to keep some things the same just tweaking some things. And yes Yandere Luke should be in the next episode!

The story should be updated every Wednesday and maybe sometimes on Saturday or Sunday. ;D

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